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Sneaking through the doll-infested halls, Ellie crept her way to the student lounge where she found the ghostly figures of Ethan, Benny, and Sarah.

"I can see you guys!" Ethan shouted. "Can you guys see me?"

"Barely," Sarah answered. 

"Ellie, didn't you read about pocket dimensions one time?" Benny asked, hoping his girlfriend could hold an answer to their issue.

"Uh— I mean, yeah, but not enough to know how to leave them!" she panicked, rubbing her face in desperation as she tried to remember the chapter's themes.

"Okay, okay- uh, if I remember correctly," Ellie stammered, with Ethan, Benny, and Sarah closely waiting on the edge of their seats. "Pocket dimensions have weaknesses to emotionally charged objects, but we know that already!"

"C'mon, Ellie!" Ethan pressured. "Give us something we don't know!"

"U-Uh..." she stuttered, frantically looking over her shoulders to see if Debbie was anywhere near her.

"Wait!" Ellie stopped, snapping her fingers. "If my math is right, we should just be able to yank each other through into our respective dimensions!"

"Okay, grab your items!" Ethan yelled, holding his friends' belongings in front of him. "We're gonna pull on three!"

As Ethan prepared himself to draw his friends into his own dimension, Benny grabbed his gym shorts, Sarah grabbed her eyeshadow palate, and Ellie grabbed her chemistry book.

"1... 2... 3!"

They each yanked onto their item and pulled as hard as they could, screaming as they teleported through into Ethan's pocket universe. 

"Oh my god, are you good?" Benny asked as he hugged Ellie.
"Yeah, yeah, are you?" she panted.

"Uh, I will be," he guessed. 

"Great, now we're all trapped here together!" Sarah said.

"Guys, we have to move. There's a guy with no face and a lot of fireballs chasing me," Ethan told them.
"What?" Ellie bayed. "I thought you said you were alone!"

"Doesn't look like it!"
The four spun around to realize the hard way that each of their individual nightmares had made their way into Ethan's pocket dimension. Debbie Dazzle, Cyberdontist, Evil Sarah, and a looming hooded figure wielding fireballs gazed at the teenagers, ready to destroy them.

"You know, I liked it better when it was just me and Dr. Silver Pants," Benny cried. "At least, we'll all be destroyed together!"

"That's the upside here?!" Sarah blurted.

Dodging the hooded figure's flaming fireballs, the teenagers sprinted out of the student lounge and into a vacant classroom.

"So, we're just gonna stand here and wait?" Sarah questioned, blocking the door with her body.

"We're not waiting, we're hiding. It's a much better strategy," Benny corrected her.

"Ugh, I should just go out there and—!"

"—And do what?" Ellie blurted to the vampire. "Get your fangs ripped out? Not a chance!"

"Hey, you two can't even magic yourselves out of dentist appointments and doll playsets!" Sarah defended. 

"Guys, this isn't helping!"
Benny rolled his eyes at Ethan, "Why don't you go out there, touch Hoodie McFirehands and get a vision?"

"Spoiler alert: he'll cook me!" Ethan hissed.
"Look, we can't defeat them by ourselves. We have to come at them together. Sarah, how do we stop you?"

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