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"Careful! You two are gonna hurt him!" Rory squeaked as Benny and Ellie were flipping through their spellbook. "I'm no vet, but we're pretty sure that it can't feel anything," Benny told him.

"Nu-uh! A mummy's spirit, or 'Ka', is connected to its body. Mr. Kitty feels all," Rory told them. "I did my homework."

"Watch out, Rory," Ellie warned him. "This kitty's gonna make a comeback. You ready?" she asked Benny, which he nodded in reply. "Osiris mortus resurrecti!"

The dead cat shined a blue light and in a flash, it was up and walking on the desk in front of them. "Mr. Kitty, you're back!"

"Oh my god, it worked!" Ellie exclaimed, nudging Benny. "We just resurrected the dead."

The cat hissed and flew out of the room, with the three of them following close behind it. They each ran down the stairs and met with Ethan, Sarah, and Hottie. "What are you guys doing?" Sarah asked them. "We're chasing Mr. Kitty!"

"Well, Rory is," Ellie said as Rory ran out of Ethan's house. She and Benny made their way into Ethan's living room when Ellie muttered, "I'm still mad over that undead idiot eating my ingredients."

"Sarah, can I talk to you for a sec?" Ethan asked as he led her into his living room. "I don't think you should be hanging around Hottie so much."

"What? Are you like my guidance counsellor or something?" Sarah asked, a bit offended. "Just trust me. You never know when his past will catch up to him."

"Hey, Ethan. We've got some guests," Ellie mentioned as she gestured to the front door. In entered two Egyptian men, wielding spears and wearing gold jewelry. "We have found you at last, Prince Ho-Tep. You may have vowed to never return to the Underworld without a bride, but you may not join the living."

Benny guided Ellie and himself behind the couch, and Ethan followed them. "The eternal guards of the Pharaoh. They swore to ensure that I serve my sentence for eternity," Hottie explained to Sarah.

"It's time for a new line of work," Sarah hissed, with her fangs protruding and her eyes lighting yellow. "Fear not, Sarah. I shall deal with these vermin." Hottie pulled out a stick and aimed it at the men.

"The crook of Osiris," one of the men said. "Yes, I sensed it might come in useful in my travels."

Hottie swung his arms around with the crook in his hands and the men vanished, causing everyone else's mouths to drop open. "Nice moves," Sarah complimented.

"I was totally about to do all that!" Ethan added, before Ellie elbowed him in the ribs telling him to shut up. "Our victory is short lived," Hottie informed them. "The guards will live again. I've only returned them to their tombs."

"So, you're the mummy?" Sarah asked him.

"Sarah, we tried to tell you-" Ethan said but Sarah interrupted him. "You nerds knew about this?"

"I wanted to tell you, but I feared me being an undead creature might frighten you away," Hottie admitted. "I see now you have secrets of your own," he added, resting his hand under her chin as her fangs were still bared. Sarah went to cover her mouth until Hottie stopped her. "Don't. They're beautiful."

They both leaned in for a kiss until Hottie backed away. "I am sorry for bringing this trouble into your home. I must go."

"Wait, Hottie! Where are you going?" Sarah asked him before he stepped out the door. "I have angered the gods by remaining on Earth. It is time that I departed from this world for the next."

"And also, these large children you sit on may have stolen my pancreas," Hottie mentioned, gesturing to Ethan, Benny, and Ellie who were behind the sofa. "But you have stolen my heart. Let us seal our fate in the stars."

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