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"Our young Prince Ho-Tep died at the tender age of 18, but the ancient Egyptians view death as merely a journey into another world," Mr. G explained to the class. They were all at a museum overlooking the Egyptian culture for their upcoming studies and needless to say, all of the kids were bored.

"What's with the ancient supperware?" Ethan asked as he pointed to a couple of jars next to the mummy. "Oh, you know the expression that you can't take it with you? They didn't."

Him, Benny, and Rory were all extremely bored while Ellie was writing a lot of this stuff down. "Why are you taking notes on this? You don't even know if there's going to be a test on it or not," Benny asked her. "It might!" Ellie defended.

"This fellow here was arranged to marry a pharaoh's daughter. But when he refused because he wasn't in love with her, the pharaoh executed him," Mr. G continued.

"Bet she had one killer unibrow," Benny chuckled, which made Sarah punch him in the ribs. "According to these hieroglyphics, he vowed to never enter an afterlife without his true love."

As the class disbanded, the group stayed at the Egyptian exhibit looking at the mummy.

"Awe, isn't that cute?" Sarah asked Ellie. "He actually chose death over a life without love."

"Uh, cool," Ellie responded, even though she was too busy writing to listen. Sarah noticed her un-interest and elbowed her. "Ow! What was that for?" she asked, putting her pencil behind her ear. "It's for not listening!"

"I'm sorry I don't wanna listen to crappy love stories," Ellie said, which cost her another elbow to the arm. "Ow!"

"Why don't you like stuff like this? You're a girl! Girls should like sappy stuff!" Sarah told her.

"Not this girl," Ellie told her, pointing to herself with her pencil. "Unless the sappy stuff is with Benny, then I'll pay attention."

"Boom! Beat that, bitey!" Benny taunted to Sarah with his arm wrapped around Ellie. "El, do you think that one of these supperware jars would have a pancreas in them?"

"There's only one potion in my head that I can think of that uses ancient pancreas, and I don't wanna say it because... just wow," Ellie shook her head.

"It didn't work, obviously!" Benny said as he pointed to his face. He opened some of the jars and kept looking for a pancreas. "Just find it and we can get out of here," Ellie told him.

"You guys are asking for trouble and I'm not gonna be a part of it," Sarah said as she left the exhibit. "Yeah, guys. Maybe she's right. It is stealing," Ethan agreed.

"So? The museum stole it first. You really think they asked Raggedy Andy here to raid his tomb? Didn't think so," Benny said. "Trust me, no one will miss this."

They watched as Benny plopped the pancreas into a plastic bag and turned in disgust. "Ugh, it's hideous," Benny groaned.

"Did you really put that on your face?" Ellie asked him. "The potion didn't work, El!"


"I don't see what the big deal is. We collect weird stuff all the time!" Benny said as he argued with his friends and walked into Ms. Weir's magic room.

"Seriously, guys? I don't know what the problem is, either," Ellie agreed with Benny.

"How are you so okay with this?" Ethan asked her. "Are you feeling okay?" He moved his hand to her forehead before she smacked it away.

"Because I get where he's coming from!" Ellie said. "Besides, it worked out fine. No problems, no warrants, we're good."

After Ellie began to defend her and Benny, there was a loud bang as the door burst open and in came... Prince Ho-Tep. They all four screamed and jumped to the corner of the room, with Ethan pushing Sarah behind him and Benny doing the same with Ellie. The scare from the mummy began to lessen as the mummy's wrappings got stuck on the door handle.

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