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Ellie was at her desk finishing up her math homework when a certain person's name popped up on her videochat. "Hey, B. What's up?"

"Hey, El. I've got good news and bad news," Benny greeted. "Oh, God."

"So, Ethan wants us to come over and play Hectbots Rebellion. That's the good news," he began. "But the only reason why is because he has to babysit the Tornado Twins, and he desperately needs help."

"What? Oh god," Ellie groaned. "I'll meet you there in five, but grab the dart guns."

She ended the call with Benny and slid on her shoes, mentally preparing herself for the two insane little twins. Those kids were almost like they came from the Netherworld.

Ellie hopped onto her bike and rode to Ethan's, seeing Benny from far away in front of Ethan's porch steps. She reached close enough to Ethan's porch and threw down her bike. "Are you prepared for this?" Benny asked as he swung his arm around Ellie's shoulders. "Not mentally, but I guess so. Did you bring the darts?"

Benny shook his messenger bag and smirked, "Of course."

"Hey, I brought darts!" Rory joined in as he floated down from the sky, holding a nerf gun. "Ethan told me about the Sinister Siblings, so now I'm here."

They entered through the front door and Benny ran up behind Sarah and Ethan and yelled, "Benny-!"

Ellie winced as Sarah quickly turned around and punched Benny square in the stomach. "Ouch..." he groaned and leaned onto Ellie. "Oh my god, Benny! I'm so sorry!"

"Booyah!" Rory yelled, causing Ethan to spin and shoot a dart right in between his eyebrows. "Hey! Is this for me barfing down your chimney?"

"No, it's just from- wait, you what?" Ethan realised. "Nothing. I'm here to battle the Tornado Twins."

"Yeah, so are we. Are they here yet? I don't see anyone bleeding," Ellie said, still supporting Benny. Ethan pointed to the kitchen table that they were sat at and said, "See for yourself. Boys, this is Benny, Ellie, and Rory."

"Hello, Benny, Ellie, and Rory," the twins spoke in unison, leaving the teenagers baffled. "Woah, that is a tornado of weird," Rory blurted.

"Okay, kids speaking in unison. That's never good," Benny commented, finally leaning off of Ellie. Before they knew it, a loud bang sounded from behind them and they found Erica looking bored at Ethan's back door. "Are we going or what, Sarah? I'm starving."

"Coming, Erica," Sarah sighed and began to leave Ethan's house before he stopped her. "Wait, going? Going where?"

"The council wants us to hunt in pairs, so we better get going," Sarah explained as her and Erica left the house.

"What now? Do I check their crayons for sharp edges?" Ethan asked. Benny looked at him and assured, "Dude, relax. Can't you see it? They know who they're up against because in their eyes, we're the grown-ups."

"Yeah, grown-ups," Ellie snickered, before quickly changing the subject with, "Let's go play video games!"

"Yes!" Benny and Rory cheered as they all raced up the stairs to Ethan's room.


"Guys, would you just remember the plan? Save the queen and destroy the hive!" Ethan whined as him, Rory, Ellie, and Benny were all huddled by the TV in his room. "Well, me and El just think it's more fun shooting Rory."

"Not for Rory!" Rory argued.

"Should we check on the kids?" Ethan asked. Benny shrugged and yelled to them, "Hey, creep brothers! If you're okay say nothing!" There was silence and then a reassuring comment from Benny saying, "Yeah, they're fine."

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