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Gathered into Ethan's bedroom, he and Ellie were sat at the computer listening to Benny's complaints and unease.

"Benny, are you sure that it's the cheers making you tingle?" Ethan suggested. "Maybe it was gas?"

"My tingles are never wrong," Benny stated.
"...Ew," Ellie sighed.

"Just look at this." 
Benny pulled his and Ellie's conjoined spellbook out of his backpack, flipping hurriedly through to find an old page that was a victim of its age. He pointed to a massive circle with four elements surrounding it.
"Forces of nature: earth, air, fire, and water. That's what makes a star..."

Ellie's eyes broadened at the spell page, finally understanding what Benny was trying to explain to the two this whole time. 

"This isn't just some lame chick cheer," Ellie realized. "It's an incantation."

The three geeks looked to each other, fearfully restating the cheer out loud.
"We're forces of nature, that's what makes a star... we may look like girls, but that's not all we are."

"Oh god, so Stephanie doesn't just act like a witch," Ethan said.
"She is one," Benny finished. 

"That vision you had in the gym," Ellie turned to Ethan. "That wasn't Erica's plan... it was Stephanie's. She's after the human spirits of the whole school."

"Erica and Sarah are in for a nasty shock," Benny added.

"Why can't there be just one more good witch? Just one?" Ellie blurted out. "I'm pretty lonely here."

The three geeks heard Ethan's phone buzz from a text message. Reading his phone, Ethan instantly wore a worried look on his face.
"Sarah said she's on her way over. She's bringing Stephanie and the whole squad!"

"...To see Betty and Veronica," Ellie finished for him.
She immediately burst out in laughter. "AHAHA! Oh my god, that is amazing!"

"We're gonna need a favour, then," Benny told Ellie. He and Ethan looked to her with a begging look on their faces.

"Let's play dress-up, boys."


"Even though I would rather knock myself out than spend another hour with those girls, this is definitely worth it."
Ellie snickered as she continued to apply bright purple eyeshadow on Benny's eyes. 

"Shut up and paint my face, Prince," Benny said, chuckling.
"Whatever you say, Weir," she smiled, stifling down her red cheeks.

The three felt their ears flick to the bottom of Ethan's house, hearing a gaggle of giggles enter the Morgan's home. 

"The cheerleaders are here! Hurry!" Benny told Ellie, pushing the brush away from his face.
"You can't rush art, alright?!" she joked.

Ethan, Benny, and Ellie quickly changed into their cheerleading uniforms and made their way to the living room. As soon as they walked in, Sarah jumped up and grabbed Ethan's hands. 

"Hi, gals! Nice hair!" Sarah squealed, cheesing at Ethan's now awkward reaction. "Cheerleader sleepovers are so fun! We're gonna give each other mani-pedis later!"

"Make sundaes, and do each other's hair!" Benny exclaimed back. Ellie swiftly elbowed his side, reminding him of the plan at hand.

"Sarah... you know Stephanie's a witch, right?" Ellie whispered to Sarah, who had a big grin plastered on her face. 

Sarah rolled her eyes and sighed.

"I know she seems like a witch because she acts like a witch, but she's actually really sweet! You know, as long as you're not ugly!"

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