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"Benny, are you sure about this?"
So many things didn't sit right with Ellie about Benny driving his grandma's car. He didn't even have his permit and he was guaranteed to screw something up somehow.

"We'll be fine," he assured her. "Grandma gave me driving lessons last month, so I know what I'm doing."

"I guess it's better than nothing," Ethan bent down and took a seat in the passenger's side. Ellie's eyes widened to the size of quarters from his response.
"How are you so okay with this? Are you feeling alright?" she asked before moving her hand to Ethan's forehead.
"Would you cut it out?" Ethan spat, swatting Ellie's sarcastic hand away. 

"Gotta switch it into neutral, because we need to keep this on the down-low," Benny continued, looking at all of the car's settings and switching its gears. Ellie eventually gave up and opened the back door to get in.

"What  is all of this stuff in the floor? Light bulbs?" she asked, holding them up in her hand.
"Replacement bulbs for Grandma's tanning bed. I saw her come out of there once... not pretty," Benny choked, causing Ethan and Ellie to gag at the thought.

"Ew, oh my god."

"Wait, that gives me an idea," Ethan spoke, tapping the dashboard of the car.
"Remember last year when we all dressed up as jedis?"


Ellie was holding on to the safety handle of the car so tight that she thought it was going to snap off. The thought of Benny driving was a heaping bottle of anxiety for her.
"You know the seatbelt keeps you safe and not the car door, right?" Ethan chuckled, getting back at Ellie for her satiric comments from the school day before.

"Ha, ha. Very funny."

The trio rolled up to a familiar fledgling on the sidewalk, awaiting her presence.
"Excuse me, miss," Ethan jokingly yelled out of the window to Sarah. "Do you happen to know where the vampire party is at?"

"Okay, I'm acting crazy because I got bit. What's your excuse?" Sarah said, chuckling.
"You get used to it," Ellie told her. You really did.

"Okay, if we're getting there on wheels, then someone who can drive legally should do it," she said, glaring at Benny before nudging him out of the driver's seat.

"Thank you," Ellie exhaled, watching Benny open the side door to join her in the backseat. They had to sit pretty close together since their 'lightsabers' were hogging most of the seating. Benny instantly felt his ears burn and Ellie watched as his cheeks turned pink.

"You okay?" she smiled.
Benny snapped out of his awkward trance and looked back at her. "Oh, y-yeah I'm fine."


They eventually pulled up to Jesse's mansion and parked on the side of the street. "Okay, you guys need to stay in the car, got it?" Sarah told them, expecting them to agree.
"No way! We ca-!"

"Just stay! I'll be back as soon as I can with Erica and your friend, alright?"
"But we can help-!"
Ethan's complaints were swiftly interrupted by Sarah hissing at all three of them. They flinched back in a now recognisable fright. "Alright, got it."

Sarah glanced at Benny and Ellie, seeing if they had anything to say.
"We actually wanted to stay in the car, so..."

Walking away from the nerd car, Ethan swallowed his pride and grabbed his backpack.
"Come on, we can't let her go in alone." Ellie furrowed her eyebrows at him.

"She literally just said to stay in the car! And besides, those creepy vamp dudes are looking for me and I don't want to know why," she yelled.
Once Benny remembered the weird vampire guys that were wondering where she was, he instantly agreed with her.

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