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"Ellie, come on!" 

Sarah began to get a little impatient with her friend. "What's the worst that could happen?"

"Well, our friendship could turn into an avalanche of awkward and I don't really want to take that risk if it could end like that," Ellie explained to her. Sarah groaned in return.

"Just so you know, I expect you to tell him at some point. You and Benny were made to be together; it's practically fate!" Sarah exclaimed.

"You sound like the back of a Dusk book."
Ellie shook her head as the two girls walked into school. Before they could brace themselves for a normal school day, a bright red sign was plastered in the entrance way.


"Oh, god. Ellie, I smell it already," Sarah worried, looking to Ellie for help as she sniffed the air.
Ellie whipped her arm over Sarah's shoulders and guided her to the vending machines. 

"Don't worry. I've got an idea."


Ellie came into the hallway that had dozens of guys lined up to the health clinic. As she scanned the line, she eventually found Ethan and Benny stood confidently waiting their turn.

"You two are getting your blood drawn?" Ellie almost laughed. "But, you two are wimps!"
She knew that they weren't the toughest guys around, but she never thought that they would participate in a blood drive.

"Especially you," she added, pointing to Ethan. "You cry every year getting your flu shot."

"Well, at least I'm not scared of Barbie dolls," Ethan smirked to Ellie.
"Hey, have you seen Annabelle?! I have a perfectly good reason to be scared of demons like those," Ellie defended. "Plastic little—!"

"Ethan's just a chicken," Benny smirked.

"I'm not a chicken. I'm a hawk... with huge talons and laser eyes!" Ethan argued.

He stopped arguing as he stared at the nurse in front of him, who was holding a pointy needle and inspecting it. Ethan wobbled a bit and grabbed the wall to hold him up.

Leaving the mages once Sarah came into the hall, Ellie questioned Benny's reasoning.
"I thought you were scared of cloning?"

"Well, I could stand to lose a pint or two..." Benny's sentence trailed as he drooled over the nurses, leading Ellie to roll her eyes. "What's the deal with Sarah?"

She looked over to see Ethan, Sarah, and Erica talking while Sarah shoved chips in her mouth.
"It's the smell. I've been throwing junk food at her all morning to help her out," Ellie explained to him. "It probably won't work for much longer."

"Probably not," Benny agreed.
Ellie didn't really know how else to help her friend out but this was the best thing she could do for right now. "And if anything bad happens, we need to rescue the nurses first," he added.

"I'm saving that one." He pointed to the blonde nurse who held a needle in her hand. "Called it."

"Men," Ellie sighed, walking off to her upcoming class.


Sarah was just about to punch the vending machine when Ellie immediately stopped her. "Woah, woah. We can get some from the cafeteria, okay?" Sarah nodded in reply. 

Erica stopped in front of them as they turned to walk to lunch.

"You do realize that you can end your pain with just one little sip, right?" She waved a cup of blood in front of Sarah, taunting her.

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