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Switching out her notebooks and textbooks, Ellie took a moment to appreciate the decorations on her locker door. A dry erase board that used to hold Ellie's to-do list now presented several stupid drawings from Ethan and Benny.

An old picture of the three friends was hung below the dry erase board, showing how cute she, Ethan, and Benny were at age 6. Ellie's hair was in pigtails, cheesing beside her best friends as they each shared the same lost front tooth. 

She looked above the dry erase board at the other picture of them now. It was of them a couple months ago right before the whole vampire-supernatural thing began. Benny had his arms wrapped around her and Ethan in the photo and she stared at it for a moment, thinking to herself.

Ellie wanted that feeling of normalcy back. All she wanted to focus on was her little crush or her challenging chemistry homework. She wondered if she'd ever get that back.

"Hey, El."
Benny greeted his opposing mage, leaning against Ellie's locker. She couldn't help but jump back a bit, since she was so lost in thought just a moment ago.
"You scared me, oh my god," she chuckled.

"Sorry. Could you come to the lounge with me, like right now?" he asked. "I've got something insanely important that I found yesterday after Ethan got scratched."

Ellie nodded as Benny quickly grabbed her arm and dragged her along to the student lounge. Entering the common room, they were met with an anxious Ethan running up into their faces.

"Benny! Ellie! I think I'm changing," Ethan shook. "I chased a car this morning seventeen blocks! I only lost it when it got to the freeway."

"Okay, would you relax?" Benny said. "We checked with Professor Google. You have to be bitten by a werewolf when it's a wolf for the curse to pass on."

"Yeah, you just got scratched by David when he was in jock form," Ellie assured him. "Don't worry about it, E."

The three of them greeted Sarah as she entered into the student lounge.
"Hey! You're pal, David, is a real charmer," she told her geek friends.

"Well, he is your ancestral enemy," Ethan scoffed at her. Ellie looked in his direction, a bit confused from his sudden attitude.
"Or he's just a massive jerk," Sarah insisted, raising an eyebrow.

"Little Ms. Neck-Biter has trouble believing in werewolves?"
Ethan's expression swiftly changed from fear to anger as he stared Sarah in the eyes. Sarah couldn't help but feel a same anger towards Ethan, not being able to put her finger on it.

"Woah, woah, woah," Ellie warily said, putting her hand in front of the two.
"Ethan, what's gotten into you?" Benny asked, his nose scrunched in confusion.

"What'd you call me?" Sarah asked Ethan, her arms crossed.
Ethan scoffed, "Whatever, don't get your fangs in a twist."

Following that comment, Benny and Ellie instantly stood in between the two. Benny stood facing Ethan, and Ellie stood facing Sarah.

"So," Benny began, interrupting their argument.
"Moving on..." Ellie pointed to Benny, needing him to explain the symbol that Ethan saw in his vision.

"That symbol you saw. We looked it up last night and it's a reversal potion," Benny explained.
Sarah jumped to Ellie and grabbed her arms. "Wait, like a cure? Would it work for other curses, like a vampire curse?"

"Why? The soccer team has a no-blood-sucking policy?" Ethan smirked.
"It might work on other curses," Benny answered, holding Ethan back a bit more.

"We think that David's trying to find it before the full moon tonight," Ellie explained.
Before Ethan could argue, Sarah grabbed the two mages and began to drag them out of the student lounge.

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