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"Don't you guys think you're getting a little old for milk and cookies?"
Ethan's mom began to tease her sons friends as Ethan, Benny, Ellie, and Sarah were gathered around the dinner table eating chocolate chip cookies. 

"Maybe, but you're never too old for a cookie sandwich," Benny smiled as he shoved three cookies into his mouth.

"Just when I think you've found every way there is to be disgusting, you found another one," Sarah complained. "Ellie, how do you—?"

She began to try and understand how Ellie could put up with Benny's bawdiness, until she saw the witch joining him in shoving three cookies into her mouth.

"What?" she questioned, her mouth completely full.

"Wow, you guys really are perfect for each other."

"Hello?" The teens heard a knock at the front door and welcomed Benny's grandmother to the house.
"Oh hi, Evelyn. Come on in!" Mrs. Morgan greeted. "What brings you here?"

"Well, I just wanted to make sure that Benny isn't making a mess," Ms. Weir said, sneakily zapping his glass of milk with magic and tipping it over onto him. "Oh! Do you have any napkins?"

"Sure, I'll go get some!"
As Ethan's mom left the kitchen, Mrs. Weir leaned into the table and began to scold Benny and Ellie.
"Which one of you did it?" she coldly spat.

"Easy explanation, Grandma," Benny started. "Sarah didn't believe in trolls, so Ethan and Ellie bet me that I couldn't conjure one. What else was I supposed to do?"

"You didn't conjure a troll, you conjured a toll!" Ms. Weir corrected. "It cost me five bucks to leave my living room!"
"HA! Told you!" Ethan laughed.

The teens assumed that Ms. Weir needed some time alone with them, since she kept spilling things all over Benny every time Ethan's mom would return to the kitchen. 
"Benny!" Ms. Weir griped after pushing his plate of cookies onto the floor.

"It's okay! I'll get the dust thingy," Mrs. Morgan assured as she left again.

"Well, at least I conjured a toll booth. I bet you couldn't do that!" Benny argued to Ellie.
"Oh, yeah? You wouldn't be able to scratch your own butt without spending a dollar with my toll!" Ellie countered.

"God, you two never take anything seriously!" Ethan yelled over top of them. "Like, at all!"

"Well, at least Ellie can fight!" Sarah joined. "You two just hide behind us while we do all the heavy work, like how Benny cowers behind the couch during that dentist movie!"

"Hey! Cyberdontist came to this planet to fill our cavities with pain, and at least I'm not scared of tiny Debbie Dazzle dolls," Benny scoffed.

"When Debbie Dazzle came with a vengeance, she was insanely terrifying!" Ellie defended. 

"At least I'm not hiding from myself," Ethan ridiculed to his babysitter.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Sarah questioned.

"It means that you're a vampire who's afraid of biting people. How does that work?"

Ethan couldn't help but continue his complaints about his friends. He was tired of them.

"I'm just saying between Benny's misspelt magic, Ellie's lack of seriousness, and your smash-happy strategy, you three would fail without my bulletproof genius plans!"

"ENOUGH!" Ms. Weir shouted.
"You four are a team! I sense a coming darkness. A force so evil, so powerful, that none of you stand a chance against it alone. Only by working together can you—!"

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