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7:45 pm

"Oh, man," Benny said. "Why couldn't we be at home watching 'So You Think You Can Fly' and eating a triple meatlover's pizza with extra meat?"

Ethan, Benny, and Ellie were hunched under a desk in one of their high school's classrooms. They each leaned against the back of the desk, extremely tired from hiding and running for hours on end.

"Yeah, instead our teachers could bash in here any second and scoop out our brains like chip-dip," Ethan agreed. The three huddled beside of each other for comfort as they continued to be scared out of their minds.

"Do you think we could outrun them?" Benny suggested.

"We don't have to outrun them. We just need to outrun you," Ellie told him.

Benny rolled his eyes. "Yeah, I think they'd rather go for your brains first, honour roll."

"Where's Sarah? We could really use her help right now," Ellie panted.

"I don't think she's in a very 'helping' mood today. Neither were you, now that I'm thinking about it," Benny said to her, with Ethan nodding in agreement.

"You both know why I didn't help you two!" Ellie defended.


9:15 am

"I'm not breaking anyone's arms or smashing anyone through a wall for that," Sarah told the two boys. Ellie nodded with her.

"Yeah, and I'm not taking off my bracelet just because he called you two... what was it?" she asked.

"Benny Rabbit."

Ellie couldn't help but snicker. "Okay, that's kinda funny."

"It's not what he says, it's how he says it," Benny explained.
The science teacher, Mr. Henson, snapped to the three freshmen to get in the classroom.

"Right with you, sir," Benny assured. "If we're not there in five minutes, start boring kids without us." Ellie elbowed him and assured their science teacher that they would be there.

"Guys, forget it. I have a field trip to the art gallery. Lucky me!" Sarah complained, leaving the nerds behind. 

The boys looked desperately to Ellie, wanting her to help them out and do something.

"I can't, sorry," she said, walking through the classroom door. "Don't wanna risk it, Benny Rabbit."

"...It's kinda cute when she says it."


7:48 pm

"I never thought that my teachers would ever see me as the last bottle of beer on Hockey Night in Canada, but here we are," Ellie panted to the two boys as they were still hunched under the desk. 

"We are so dead!" Ethan gulped.

"It's not fair," Benny added. "Why wouldn't we get some sort of sign that this would happen?"

"Were you not listening to me during chemistry? Like, at all?" Ellie blurted out. "I warned both of you that something looked weird, and you both said nothing!"

"We didn't believe you!" Ethan exclaimed.


9:16 am

Ethan, Benny, and Ellie filed into the classroom, sitting down at their regular seats and putting their bookbags beside of them on the ground.

As Ellie took out all of her notebooks, she looked up at their science teacher as he seemed to be staring at the blackboard.
She furrowed her eyebrows. "What's he doing?"

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