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"Oh, god..." 

Ellie quickly ran towards Benny and Ethan as they were being held in headlocks by David Stacowski. 

"Ethan! Talk to me, buddy. You ok?" Benny tried to ask.
"I'm great, Benny! Nothing like starting the day in some guy's armpit!"

Ellie bent over and met their eye level at David's crotch. "Guys, how do I help you?"
Benny shook his head before the two of them could answer. "You don't need to, El. We've got this," he said, before groaning in pain. 

Ellie stood up straight and looked at the massive jock. She tried to look as big as possible, but failed since he was about a foot taller than her.

"Alright, jerk. Give me my friends back or we're gonna have some problems," she said to him. David laughed in her face.

"Yeah right, babe. There's no way a pretty dork like you would even lay a hand on me." Ellie walked closer to him and buckled down in his eyes.

"Are you sure about that?"
David was shocked at the sight of her confidence, sighing before letting go of Ethan and Benny. 

"Alright, listen up geeks," David began. "From now on, we're best buds. Got it?"
Ethan, Benny, and Ellie looked at each other in complete shock and confusion. 

Ellie sneered, "Like we'd ever be friends with you—!"

She was quickly interrupted with Benny wrapping his hand over her mouth and his arm around her shoulders. Ellie tried to get his hand off, but he wouldn't budge.

"—Yep, we got it. Best buds forever, right? Awesome."
Ellie rolled her eyes and kicked Benny in the shin. He winced but still didn't move his hand from her mouth. "Headlocks are like jock hugs," Benny continued.

"Awesome. See you around, Bro #1, Bro #2, and Sis #3!" He punched Benny and Ethan on the shoulders and patted Ellie on the head. As he walked away, Ellie pulled Benny's hand off of her mouth.

"That was awesome," Benny smiled.

"Which part, the love-tap or the part where I could taste his deodorant?" Ethan asked. 

While Benny as explaining the brand of deodorant, Ellie shook her head.

"I bet that guy has a lower IQ than a potato with legs," she scoffed. "I'm going to class."


"Who's got two thumbs, three free candy bars, and is best buds with David Stacowski? This guy!"

Benny bragged as he entered into the common room. Ellie walked in behind him and stole one of his candy bars as she collapsed onto the lounge couch with Ethan and Sarah.

"It's like David has inserted himself into my life," Ethan explained. He began to explain how David came to his house and completely raided his refrigerator.

"So, he eats all your food. It's not enough to break up a good bromance," Sarah said, grabbing Ethan's cheek. Benny and Ellie snickered. 

"There's more. The guy howls," Ethan continued.

"A lot of dudes howl. It's a jock animal thing," Benny told him. Ethan then mentioned how hairy he was.

"So what? A lot of dudes are hairy," Ellie assured him. "It's a... hairy guy thing." 

Ethan rolled his eyes at his friends. "It's basic math. Howling plus hair plus this town equals—!"

"Gross," Ellie answered.
"Awesome," Benny also answered.

"Werewolf!" Ethan impatiently stated. 

Sarah began to get fed up with Ethan's theories. "Ethan, not everything is supernatural."

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