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Ethan, Benny, and Rory ran down the stairs.
"What the heck was that?!" Benny panicked, running his hand through his hair.

"My guess: I think some sort of demon has taken control of Ellie's body," Ethan suggested. Benny stomach churned at his guess. What would happen if Ellie couldn't be controlled? She didn't have her bracelet, what could happen now?

"It's okay, we're gonna get her back." 
Glancing down at Ethan's wrist, Benny noticed Ethan occupying Ellie's bracelet for the time being. Benny wished that he could hold onto it for Ellie's sake, but he would pass out from excruciating pain.

"Let's assess," Benny began.
"We have an evil demon that has taken possession of an uncontrollable witch that refuses to wear her power-controlling bracelet," Benny said, gesturing to Ethan's wrist. "And she has also trapped your little sister inside of your bedroom."

"So there's only one thing to do," Ethan gulped.

In a moment's notice, the three boys were walking towards Ethan's room wearing pots and hockey helmets, holding kitchen utensils for weapons.
Rory slowly opened the door to reveal Ethan's bedroom glowing deep blue. He opened the closet door and revealed Jane, crying and pointing to Ethan's computer.
Looking to Ethan's desk, they found Ellie typing away on his social media accounts.

"What's it doing?" Benny whispered, pointing to the demon with his baseball bat.
"It's changing my status to 'Jamming with my babysitter in my Star Trek jammies'!"
Benny and Rory burst out laughing. "Burn!"

Ellie's head swung around to the boys as she yelled in a different language.

"Sinite me intus esse hanc magam!"

"We're not leaving until you give me my sister and our friend back!" Ethan bargained.

Unable to contain their screams, the boys squealed as the demon expelled green gunk out of Ellie's mouth, dousing them completely. They ran out of the bedroom, gathering at the bottom of the stairs drenched in goop.

"What is this stuff?" Rory shrieked, running down the staircase. "I feel so dirty!"

"No way. It's ectoplasm! The physical manifestation of paranormal energy!" Ethan exclaimed.

"Okay, well I guess that's my queue to leave," Rory stated, trying to walk out the door until Benny stopped him.

"Oh no, you don't," he halted, grabbing Rory by the collar.

"Hey! Why do I have to stay?"

Benny rolled his eyes at the vampire. "If my girlfriend is going to get possessed by a demon from Neverland, we want all the help we can get," he told him. "She's your friend, too."

"...Alright, fine," Rory gave in.

"Okay, we need to think this through. What would the Ghostbusters do?" Ethan asked.
Benny huffed, "Well, they would use streams of lightning plasma to suck the ghosts into their containment boxes."

"My dad has a leaf-blower that we could kick into reverse," Benny suggested. "Nothing's strong enough to hold a spirit as nasty as this one, though."

"Well, there is one thing I know that can suck up spirits and hold them."


"The cubile animus? Seriously?" Benny shrieked as he watched Ethan dig in his backyard. "This is a really bad idea! I mean, if a séance was bad! This is a seriously, majorly, messed-up, bad idea!"

"Are you gonna help us or what?" Ethan said.

"Are you really sure we should be doing this?" Benny asked, once again. "I could probably find a spell that could—!"

"Benny!" Ethan yelled. "Do you want to save Ellie or not? I bet she can hear you right now and probably really wants you to save her! And I'm talking about actual Ellie, the one that's trapped in her own head! Not the one that's trying to kill us!"

Ethan, Benny, and Rory kept digging until they finally found what they were looking for: the cubile animus.

"Hey, Ethan. Why did you just send me one of your baby pictures?" Rory asked, looking at his phone. "Awe."

"She just emailed that to the entire school!" Ethan said. "Oh, she is gonna pay."


The three geeks burst through Ethan's bedroom door and found Ellie floating in the corner. She was marking several demonic symbols on the walls in white chalk before spinning around to stare down Ethan, Benny, and Rory.

"I like what you've done with the place!" Rory yelled.

"Is it wrong that I still think she's hot?!" Benny yelled back.

"Alright, demon. You're gonna give me back my sister and my friend, or else!" Ethan yelled at her.
"Or else?" the demon inquired, lifting Ellie's eyebrow.

"Or else we're gonna take care of this Whitechapel style!" he replied.
The demon began to recite its demonic language and yell to them, summoning all the power it could retain.

"Hot or not, let's waste this demon!" Benny cried, turning on the leaf-blower. "Sorry, El!"
The power-hungry leaf-blower began to vacuum the demonic energy out of Ellie's body. Finally erasing Ellie from the demon's clutches, all of the lights around the room dissipated and Ellie collapsed to the floor.

"Ow..." she groaned. Benny ran to her side, helping her sit up straight.
"What just happened?" she asked, her suddenly curly hair falling in front of her face.

"It was Rory's fault," Benny said. He moved her hair out of her eyes and he noticed that her irises were still purple. He yelped, picking her up bridal style and laying her across Ethan's bed.
"Oh god, your bracelet."

Ethan took it off of his wrist and slid it onto hers, tying it in its familiar knot. Ellie's eyes returned to their normal green colour and she sighed, feeling a wash of relief. 

"Ethan, why were you wearing my bracelet?"

"...Long story."


The whole crew began to clean up everything that was scattered around the living room before Ethan's parents and Ms. Weir came through the front door.
They immediately ran back to one of the armchairs and tried to look as casual as possible, somehow failing.

"Hey, Mom and Dad," Ethan greeted. "How was the senior prom?"

"Well, it was a bit slower than I remember," Mrs. Morgan replied.

"Where's Grandma?" Benny asked them.
"Oh, the captain of the lawn-bowling team took her to the Pancake Palace for the midnight buffet. I don't know where she gets her energy," Mrs. Morgan explained.

As Mrs. Morgan walked up the steps, Mr. Morgan approached Ethan.
"So, I understand that you're the new president of the Whitechapel Justin Bieber fan club."

Ethan elbowed Benny and Ellie, stopping them from snickering.
"Are you sure you wanna sign up for figure skating?"

"N-Nothing to worry about, Dad."

As Mr. Morgan walked up the steps, Ethan turned to Ellie. "Justin Bieber? Really?"

"It wasn't me, remember?" Ellie chuckled. "And I think you'd be a very good contribution to the figure skating team."

"Shut it. Did you hide the cubile animus?" Ethan asked Benny.

"Yeah, I hid it really well. That thing will never bother us again..."

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