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So, I thought that it would be really cute to write out Benny and Ellie's first date. This chapter won't tie in with an episode, so you can skip it if you really want to. But this chapter just shows what their relationship is like and how amazing they are. Okay, I'll shut up now!


Ethan and Benny stood at their neighboring lockers, ready to advance through their school day until Ethan noticed Benny being unusually quiet.

"Benny, why are you quiet?" he asked. "You're never quiet."

"Dude, I have been thinking nonstop about my and Ellie's first date," he exhaled. "I can't even acknowledge it without thinking it could rot."

"Benny, come on. This is Ellie we're talking about, remember? We've known her since we were drinking from sippy cups," Ethan reminded him. "You'll think of something."
He patted him on the shoulder as he walked away.

Benny groaned and slammed his head against his locker.
"I can do this. I can think of something," he told himself. "It's just Ellie, the girl who I've liked for ten years who suddenly became my girlfriend. No big deal."

The bell rang from all over the hallway and he took his books out of his locker. "I'll ask Sarah."


"Awe, Benny, that's so sweet," Sarah said. "It's really cute that you want to make your first date special with her. She'll love that."

"Okay, so what do I do?"
Benny asked, tapping his foot on the floor repeatedly. Sarah chuckled at him and shook her head.

"Wow, you're really nervous, aren't you?" Benny exhaled and nodded his head.
"What is there to be nervous about? It's just Ellie," she said.

"Exactly!" he exclaimed. "I don't want our first date to flop, since she deserves something awesome."
"Benny, I'm sure that anything you would plan to do is something that she would love," she assured him.

"What makes you say that?"
"Because she'll be with you!" Sarah said, stating the obvious. "I know that Ellie really likes you, and anything that you would want to do with her is something that she would enjoy."

"So, if I take her to a movie or something," he began. "She'll enjoy it because she'll be with me?"

"Wouldn't it be the same way with you?" Sarah asked him.


As Ellie was taking her books out of her locker at the end of the day, Benny was stood at the end of the hallway preparing himself.
"Alright, Benny. You've got this," he encouraged himself. "It's just Ellie. You've just gotta ask her to see a movie tonight. Not that hard."

He shook himself off and walked to Ellie.
"Hey, El."
"Oh, hey!" she smiled. "What're you doing?"

"Just asking if you wanted to go see the new GalaxAttack 4 movie tonight," he said, letting out a nervous breath at the end. "It's supposed to be really good."

"Totally! I saw the trailers for it!" Ellie exclaimed. "When are we all meeting?"

"Oh, uh—" Benny stuttered. "I-I was wondering if you wanted to see it together. As... you know—"
"—A date?" she finished, smiling. "Benny, you know that I would love to."
Benny began to grin and grabbed her locker door.

"So, is that a yes?" They chuckled at each other as Ellie answered.
"Of course, that's a yes! Just pick me up and we'll walk to the theatre."

"You've got it!"
They made plans to meet at six o'clock and Ellie left the hallway. When she was out of sight, Benny fist-bumped the air and cheered to himself.



"Ellie, you could just wear your normal clothes," Sarah told her through her phone. "It's just Benny."
"I know that, but it's still a date. Our first date," Ellie said. "I should look somewhat decent."

"Okay, um... wear something that you're comfortable in. It is a movie," she explained. "Besides, anything you wear in your closet is cute on you anyways, Ellie."

"Alright, I think I got it. Skinny jeans, my Star Trek tee, and my jean jacket with my pin collection on it?" Ellie suggested.
"That is probably the geekiest thing I've ever heard you say," Sarah told her. "But it sounds good. Good luck with King Dork!"

"Thanks, Sarah! I owe you one," Ellie said as she ended the call.
She changed into her outfit and pulled half of her hair up with a hair tie. She hopped on one foot trying to get her converse on when the doorbell rang. Ellie almost fell over from jumping.

"Coming! Hold on!" she called, still balancing on one foot.
Ellie finally got her shoes on and flew down her stairs. She looked through the peephole and saw Benny. For some reason, now was a good time for her to get nervous.

She opened the door and there was Benny, stood with his hands behind his back and a big grin on his face.

"Hey, El."
"Hey, B," she smiled. "Shall we go?"

"We shall," Benny replied, holding out his hand. As Ellie grabbed it, he yanked her out of her front door and they walked to the theatre. This is going to be a great night.


"Okay, that movie was awesome," Ellie grinned as the two were walking back to their street.
"The part where the aliens took down Earth's spaceship was so good," Benny agreed.

They continued to talk about the movie until Ellie stopped and facepalmed.
"Oh my god, I forgot that my dad was working late tonight. I don't have the key to my front door," she sighed. "Great."

"Well, Grandma's out trying to summon a demon for a week so you can stay at my place. I mean, if-if you want," Benny offered, rubbing the back of his neck. "We could watch another movie and make popcorn."
"If it involves popcorn, then it's a deal."
Benny wrapped his arm around her as they entered his house. The two walked into his kitchen and threw the popcorn bag into the microwave.

"So," Benny began, "Which movie do you wanna watch?"
"Hmmm," Ellie said in thought. "Could we do that thing where we watch one of those cheesy romcoms and make fun of them?"

"Miss Prince, I like the way you think," he replied, taking the popcorn out of the microwave and dumping it into a bowl.
"I like the way you agree with me, Mr. Weir."

As they gathered their popcorn, the two sat down on the sofa in Benny's living room and switched on the TV. While they scrolled through the TV guide, they found one of those cheesy romcoms that Ellie was talking about.

"Okay, what's the plotline?" she asked, looking at the TV.
Benny laughed, "Isn't this one of your favourite things to do? You can figure this out."

"Okay, okay, I think it's about a girl and a guy, and the guy thinks that the girl is way too good for him," Ellie said.

"That sounds like a dude I used to know," Benny said.
Ellie looked at him, a bit confused. "Wait, what?" she chuckled.

"I TOTALLY thought you were too good for me," Benny smiled. "You're pretty, a massive nerd and probably one of the smartest people that I know. How are you not too good for me?"

"Okay, then if I am too good for you, then how did I have a crush on you?" she asked him, grinning.

"Some cosmic luck, I guess."
"It wasn't luck," Ellie said, leaning onto him on the couch.

"You know what? You're right," Benny smiled, moving his arm around her waist. "I'm just the luckiest guy in the world."

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