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"This is the unholiest abandoned veterinarian hospital I've ever seen."

"Woah, you three still watch this show?"
Ellie entered Ethan's front door, greeting Ethan, Benny, and Rory through a satirical insult.

"When did you stop?" Ethan asked.

"When I found out that the stuff in it isn't real," she explained. "Doug's show is just another show to get money and viewers... like the Kardashians."

"Come on, El," Benny began. "Doug's fearless. He's a machine designed to, like, delete fear from itself."
The three stared at the TV and Ellie watched as Doug was announcing the 'Day with Doug' contest winner. As Doug ran the doorbell of the winner, Ethan's doorbell rang in sync with the TV.

"Really? Now?" Ethan groaned as he got up to answer the door.

"That kid must have a crazy luck bonus," Rory said. "Like a plus six!"

"I automatically hate this jerk," Benny told them as Ellie sat down in Ethan's seat. "He should be me and he isn't." 

As the geeks complained at the TV, they were quickly interrupted by the sight of Ethan on the screen.

"Holy crap. Ethan, you'll never believe who won the contest!"


As Doug Falconhawk walked around Ethan's room, the four of them stood shocked by his desk. The boys were so excited that they could've passed out, while Ellie was more baffled than anything.

"Ow... ow..." Ellie looked down to find Benny pinching his arm, thinking he was dreaming. She sighed and put his hand back down to his side. "It's real. He's here."

"Dude, this is off several hooks," Rory said, beginning to levitate.
Ethan watched him rise and pulled him back onto the ground. Doug and Ethan began to talk about the action figure that Ethan made for him before Doug said something... concerning.

"Now, tiny Doug could totally kill a vampire."
Ellie's eyes grew wide as Ethan pulled them into a group huddle.

"Okay, I know that this is the most awesome thing that has ever happened ever," he began.

"Not really, but continue," Ellie butted in.

"It is also going to be a complete disaster."

Benny looked somewhat surprised by his reasoning and disagreed with him. "Bunk! Name five reasons why."

Ethan began to count on his fingers. "Doug hunts paranormal stuff, Rory's a vampire, Erica's a vampire, Sarah's a vampire, and you're an idiot."

"There's your five," Ellie added.
Benny rolled his eyes, "You got lucky."

"Rory, you have to stay away from Doug," Ethan said to him. "It's too risky."

"Are you kidding me, dude?" Rory asked. "I was a geek before I became Lord of the Night. No way am I passing up the chance to become his assistant."

"Honestly, Eth," Ellie admitted. "I don't think this guy could actually do any harm to us. What could he possibly do, anyways?"


Sarah leaned against the locker next to Ellie's and groaned, drinking from a juice box.

"What's with the kids' lunch?"

"Benny's grandma gave me this new blood substitute and it tastes like the dumpster rats I used to eat," Sarah explained. 

"I guess she's used to packing geek lunch boxes," Ellie chuckled.

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