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"In other news, a giant scaly creature was spotted lurking outside of Hunter Hill's home moments ago." Ethan, Rory, Benny, Ellie, and Sarah were all sat on the couch and hoped that the newscaster would say something about the alligator.

While they continued to watch the TV, Erica walked through Ethan's front door. She was soaking wet and her clothes were torn apart. "Erica? What happened to you?"

"You guys are the ones with your finger on all that's weird around here, you tell me!" she spat before she explained. "I was driving a freshmen through the car wash in the back of my dad's pickup-"

"Wait stop- you drove them through a car wash?" Ellie interrupted.

"Well after she made them all roll around in manure, someone had to hose them off," Ethan answered for her. Ellie's jaw dropped.

"Be glad I was nice to you when you were a freshie, nerdette," Erica told her. "Anyways, something huge and scaly jumped out of the pipes and attacked me! It was some kind of mutant alligator thing and it came out biting. Now I know how my food feels, and I don't like it!"

"Are the girls okay?" Sarah asked her.

"They're fine... my new leather jacket is trashed, though," she answered pointing to the sleeves of her jacket.

"Hey, looks like they found Thor's buddy," Ethan gestured towards the TV as it showed some rescuers recovering the alligator. "Well, guess that's that then."

"That's not the one that attacked me," Erica stopped. "The one that I saw was bigger than that." They all stared at her back in confusion.

"That means Thor didn't have a buddy," Benny realized. He snapped his fingers, "They're breeding! And if Erica's right, them babies ain't pretty."

"Wait, we're talking about an entirely different species. One capable of incredible strength, growing to different sizes, the possibilities are endless," Ethan said.

"And thanks to the dork squad, they're loose in our city sewer system!" Sarah pointed to the rest that were sitting on the couch. She noticed her phone vibrating and looked to see that Erica was calling her, even though Erica was standing right in front of her.

"Are you calling me?" she asked her. "Uh, no. That swamp thing must have taken my new phone when it tried to bite my arm off!" Erica groaned.

"Did you hear that?" Ethan asked. The group just heard a small... noise and a smell that followed it. "Nope! Nobody did!" Sarah quickly answered.

Ethan felt his phone go off, too. He looked at it and noticed that the gator was texting his phone from its stomach. "Wait, I just got an idea."


While Ethan was hacking into the phone's location signal, Ellie and Benny stood close behind him and watched while Sarah and Erica looked somewhat bored from the geek hacking that was happening. "As long as the phone is in the alligator's stomach, we should be able to track it."

"Then, we can call anyone who was eaten and see where they are," Benny chuckled. "I can hack into the satellite and find the exact location of the alligator," Ethan explained.

"And boom," he said, waiting for the recognition of his peers until he got no reaction. "Come on! No reaction? That was a lot harder than it looks."

"That thing's going up into Hunter Hill's Mansion Country," Sarah pointed out looking at the map.

"That was a 126 bit encryption I just hacked through," Ethan still complained.

"We thought it was awesome," Ellie reminded him, sending him a high-five followed by Benny's high-five.

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