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"Think about it, guys!"
Benny cast his arms around his two best friends, Ethan and Ellie, as they walked through the Whitechapel High School concourse.
"We can have anything we want. Cash, cars, candy!" he exclaimed.

"You can only use magic for things that start with C?" Ethan laughed.
"Well, at least I know how I'm going to use my magic: to get to class on time," Ellie winked to the boys. "See ya."

Ethan glanced to his friend and watched as Benny stood eyeballing his crush until she turned the corner out of sight.

"Like I said, you're gonna stare two holes into her head."
"I just wished she liked me back, man." 
Ethan woefully sighed to Benny, wishing he could help him overcome that haunting feeling of self-consciousness... or maybe he could?

"Perhaps I could be of assistance," Ethan smirked, nodding his head in a self-gratifying way.
"Why are you talking like that?"
"That's not the point."

Ethan took hold of Benny's shoulders and whipped the two around to face a group of freshman girls. "You see that one blonde girl who's in our history class? Della?" he asked.

"You're going to use her to make Ellie jealous," Ethan stated, as if he just created the most incredible plan of his time.
Benny's face lit up, fascinated with Ethan's scheme. "Oh my god, you're so right! How should I do that?"

"I don't know, but you should think of something quick!" Ethan suddenly whispered, nudging Benny towards the sight of Ellie returning to the boys and their lockers.

"You two coming to chem or what?" Ellie asked, unaware of the plan of action the two just discussed.
"In a second," Benny told her. "After I get this smokin' hot babe to go out with me."

Ellie followed Benny's line of sight to find Della stood in the hallway talking with her friends. "Della Maddox? You've never talked to her," she questioned.

"Who cares?" Benny laughed, elbowing Ethan's arm and playing along to his plan. "I know you're the 'seer' and all, but I can see her with me."

"Good god."
She would never admit it, but this womanizer thing was getting pretty old to Ellie. Why should she care, though?

"Benny, just keep the magic on the down-low, okay?" Ellie persisted, becoming firm with her friend.
"Trust me, El. I've got this."
Benny threw his hand behind his back, conjuring up a bouquet of flowers to greet Della with. Ellie groaned and confided to Ethan.

"I'm going to class," she exhaled, leaving Ethan to watch Benny miserably fail at impressing a random girl he has never met. Once Ellie left the hall, Sarah rounded the hallway corner and finally caught up to Ethan.

"She mad about something?" Sarah asked, referring to a visibly crossed Ellie that passed her in the hallway just a moment ago.

"Oh, uh- I have no idea!" he tried to say, close to shrieking the lie out of his mouth.
Ethan was a terrible liar and all of his friends knew it. Benny and Ellie only figured that out in Grade 3 when he tried to lie about stealing Benny's tamagotchi.

Ethan and Sarah cocked an eyebrow as Benny came back from a now upset Della.
"Great news: Della's dog died," he stated.

"How is that good news?" Sarah asked him. "I thought you had feelings for Ellie."
Benny was completely shocked, as was Ethan. How did she know about him liking Ellie?
Sarah laughed, "Don't look surprised. It's so stupidly obvious!"

"Okay- yeah, that's true," Benny hurriedly confirmed. "Ethan came up with a plan to make her jealous enough to see if she likes me back, so we're using Bella."

"Della," Ethan corrected.
"Della! That's her name," Benny obliviously chuckled.

"That's a brainless idea," Sarah bluntly said to the boys, beginning to leave her new friend group. "I gotta go, but please don't do anything dumb!"

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