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Knowing Ethan and Benny were being punished in the school yard for lunch, Ellie decided to go out and give them some much-needed entertainment.

"Hey, guys," she greeted. "How's the punishment for the ghost alarm going?"

"Ugh, it blows," Ethan groaned. "You should have helped us! Maybe if you did, then we wouldn't have blown out the principal's window."

"Not my fault," Ellie smiled, laughing at the two picking weeds.

"El, quick question," Benny said to his girlfriend. "Do girls have, like, way more earwax than guys? Is it a puberty thing?"

"What insanely weird reason would you be asking me that for?" she asked him.

"...No reason," he said. 

"Okay...? Sarah needed me, so see you two in chem later!" 
As Ellie grabbed her backpack, Ethan shoved Benny onto the grass.

"Dude, why didn't you tell her about the girl's ears?" Ethan questioned. "She could've given us a magic explanation or something."

"Just- uh, didn't want to," Benny said, quickly coming up with an excuse. Ethan didn't believe him, and Benny could see it.

"Okay! I'm afraid that she would get jealous because I talked about another girl," he admitted. "That's what girls do, right? They get jealous if their boyfriends talk about a girl, even though they weren't flirting?"

"Well, we both know that Ellie is not other girls," Ethan told him. "I don't think she would get jealous."

"Is it just me, or are there a lot more weeds here than usual?"


"You called?"
Sarah's face lit up with relief when she heard Ellie sit down beside her on the hallway bench.

"It's this stupid laptop," she answered. "I think it might have a virus or something."

"The three of us could geek it up for you, if you want," Ellie suggested. "Ethan's really good with computers."

"Yes, that would be awesome. I would be grateful until the day you die."

Ellie raised an eyebrow at her vampire friend.

"I would say the day that I die, but I've got this whole immortal thing going on," Sarah said. "You can do it, right?"

"Yeah. Benny's over there, so I'll just drop it off to him," Ellie told her. "See ya!"

Ellie began to walk over to Benny's locker when she saw him talking to his random girl. She had earbuds lodged in her ears and was staring blankly at the wall, ignoring Benny as he was trying to talk to her. 

"I'm borrowing you for a bit," she told Benny, grabbing his hand and taking him to his locker.

"What's up?" Benny asked.

"Sarah has a virus on her laptop and we need to fix it later tonight," Ellie said.

"Alright, we can do that. I just need to finish talking to that one girl over there," Benny explained. He tried to walk away before Ellie stopped him.

"Wait, why do you need to talk to her?" she questioned.

"Okay, this is going to sound weird, but there's something up with her," he explained. "While we were waiting in the principal's office today, she had this insane earwax in her earbuds and I'm trying to figure it out."

"That doesn't deserve more explanation," Ellie gagged. "We can talk about it after class."


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