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"What do we do now?"

The teenagers continued to sit in the Morgan's living room, facing the sobering reality that they were completely alone in the fight against Stern.

"We go after that goon and show him what the score is," Benny answered, rising from his chair. "Can't be that hard. His jackets are so ugly. Right?"
The spellcaster did the best that he could usually do and try to lighten the mood, growing annoyed once he did not get a response.

With Ethan sat on the couch with his eyes remaining shut, Sarah on the phone with Erica in the foyer, and Ellie deniably searching through the spellbook for any help, Benny felt irritated.
He knew that they could do more than just sit and not know what to do. He knew that they could find a way to fix this, and being sad about it was not going to help.

"Okay, you know what?" he huffed, standing from his chair. "Cut the shit, Ethan! Seriously!"

"Benny, what the hell—!"
"I don't get it!" he continued, ignoring Ellie's confused interruption. "We have gone up against all kinds of crazy stuff before, and we always won! You're the guy who pulls it together, Ethan! It's you! So, pull it together!"

"Okay, let's take a gentler approach to this, shall we?" Ellie asked, her sentence being more of a signal for Benny to stop. "Ethan, you said it yourself that you're the glue. You are the guy with the genius plans on how we can kick bad guys' butts. We need you right now."

Sarah came into the living room with her phone in her hand.
"Erica doesn't sound like herself. She's leaving town with Rory and the entire vampire council," she explained.
Sarah stared at Ethan's desperate position on the couch, hunkering down to his level to try and convince him to aid.
"We need your help, Ethan. Without you, who knows what will happen to us?"

Ethan opened his eyes and found the sight of his three best friends, their skin still grey and their eyes still flushed.
"Look, I can't let anything happen to you guys," he sighed, standing up from his sofa. "Benny, your grandma said that I had to find something stronger than fear. I think I just did."

He held his hands out in front of himself and gestured, "Here." They looked at his hands and intertwined all of their hands together, feeling a surge of energy flow through them. "Do you feel that?" Sarah asked.

"This is so weird," Ellie stated. 

"Dude, are we having a moment?"

Ethan inhaled deeply and looked back at his friends, no longer scared by their faces. "I'm okay, as long as I don't let fear through. We can do this."

"We're on our own against Stern."


Benny, Ellie, and Sarah sat uncomfortably at the kitchen counter, waiting for Ethan to return with his big, 'genius' plan.

"You have any idea what his master plan is?" Ellie asked her vampire friend.
"My guess is as good as yours," Sarah huffed.
"Well, last time he had a 'genius' plan, he turned into a werewolf," Benny joked.

"Guys, don't freak out." 

The three thankfully sighed at the sound of Ethan's return into the kitchen foyer. He rounded the corner with his hands out, clearly bracing himself and his friends for the reveal of his plan.
"I've thought it over... and this is our best shot, okay?" 

Following Ethan from around the foyer corner entered the ancient vampire that they hadn't seen in a single year: Jesse.

Sarah instantly hissed at her ex-boyfriend, allowing Benny and Ellie to aim their suddenly purple-glowing hands right at the archaic vampire's head. 

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