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"Guys, I don't wanna be in the play," Benny explained as him, Ellie, and Ethan walked through the halls. "I wanna do lights and sound, and other cool stuff."

"Yeah, because that'll be much cooler," Ethan scoffed. "Ellie, help me out here."

"What's there to help? I might do it with him," she shrugged. "Working for the theatre and stuff sounds kinda cool, anyways. Especially with that controller console. It's got over a million buttons!"

"El, aren't you somewhat worried about him making lightning and burning someone's hair off?" Ethan asked her. 

"No, because I'd be with him," Ellie stated. "Ohhh."

As the three of them approached the sign-up sheet, Ellie grabbed the pen and bumped into Erica and Sarah. "Sorry. Wait, you're signing up?" Ellie asked her.

"Why wouldn't I? I'll be starring in it," Erica said, as if it was obvious. 

"Yay! Let the eagles of creativity soar," said Mrs. LOL as she came up behind all of them and holding a book in her hand. "I'm off to make copies of this wonderful script. It has been stuck inside that basement wall for twenty years and we finally decided that it was time for it to be in the spotlight once again."

"Alright then," Ethan said as Mrs. LOL walked away.


"El, have you seen this script?" Benny said standing by her locker. "What happened to all the lighting and- and the cool SFX?"

"I don't know, B. But this play is more of a hippie play than it is a Marvel movie," she told him. "It'll still be cool, though. Don't give your hopes up."

"I know, but it still rots," Benny said. Ethan opened his locker from behind them and asked, "What rots?"

"Benny's complaining about how the script for the play isn't written like Age of Ultron," Ellie summarized. "This play is more about feelings and sappy stuff."

"Yeah, Benny, it's more about believing in yourself. Whatever that means," Ethan said. 

"Well, Benny believes in lightning," Benny said in third-person. "You've gotta sign up, Ethan, and help us out with this!"

"No way! I'm a real nerd, not a drama nerd." Ethan began to walk away before Benny and Ellie sighed and said, "Sarah's in it."

Ethan's had whipped around with wide eyes and said, "I can be a drama nerd."


Erica, Sarah, and Ethan were stood on the stage with Mrs. LOL, while Benny and Ellie were in the control room overlooking the stage. "Where's our star?" Mrs. LOL asked.

"I really hope that we don't have to work with Sunday Clovers," Ellie said to Benny. "I have bio with her and she just squeals every two minutes over literally nothing. She screamed the other day because she got a B on her test, and she was happy about it. Who's happy about a B?"

"Uh, me," Benny laughed.

"The sun drops down," began Sunday as she dropped a sandbag onto the stage. "-so the grasses can grow!" She kept dropping sandbags onto the stage and almost hitting everyone. 

"What is she doing?" Ellie asked, throwing her headset onto the control desk in front of her and Benny. "I knew that girl was crazy."

"That is why the sun drops down!" Sunday cried as she dropped more sandbags. A couple of sandbags that she cut were the wrongs ones, though, since they dropped right onto her and she crumbled to the ground. Ethan and Sarah ran to her aid, as did Benny and Ellie. "We need a doctor!" Ethan yelled.

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