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While Benny and Ellie were flipping through their shared spellbook in the backseat, Sarah and Ethan were sat up front. Ethan began to comprise a plan that could help them save the Dusk premiere.

"So, the cubile animus kind of acts as a soul-vacuum. Jesse must be trying to capture 219 souls tonight," Ethan began, turned to Sarah. "Then somehow, trade them to bring back all of his old followers."

"Ugh, soul-for-soul. It's so evil," Sarah scoffed. "I can't believe my first kiss was with him."

Ellie and Benny looked at each other, surprised by this knowledge, while Ethan looked at her with wide eyes.
"He was your first kiss? But you're 17! I mean, y-you're so pretty and-!"

Ethan halted his awkward tirade at the sound of Ellie and Benny snickering from behind him. Sarah thankfully didn't notice.
"I don't know. I guess I just wanted my first kiss to be memorable," she sighed.

"Well, mission accomplished," Ethan told her. Benny gave up on trying to read the spell book and groaned.
"Grandma failed to mention that this book isn't even in English!" he said, leaning his head back against the seat.

"Hey, Ellie's smart enough to know what language it is," Ethan said, hopeful in his friend.
"Pft, I've got nothing," she bluntly replied, blowing a raspberry into her cheek. "I mean, I'm sure it's Latin but who knows how to read that junk anymore?"

"We'll make it work," Benny said, sending a smile Ellie's way. If he was going to be clueless about a magic spellbook that would send both of them into the identities of high-ranking wizards, he wouldn't want to do it with anybody else.

Sarah finally pulled Ms. Weir's car into the movie theatre and parked along the back entrance. "Well, this is it. Erica and I have waited a whole year for this advanced screening."

"That's really lame," Benny told her.
"Ha, agreed," Ellie added on top of his comment.

"Just read your magic book, dorks."

Ethan scanned the outside of the theatre, searching for any hungry enemies. His scan led him to a security guard standing alongside lines of fans. "The bouncer over there looks like one of them. You think he recognizes us?"

"He might, but that's ok. I think I know another way in."


When they entered through the back door of the theatre, Benny spotted a spell in their book that looked pretty promising from first glance.
"Hey, guys, check this out. If I'm reading this correctly, there's a spell here that makes all the vampires just vanish."

Ellie gave him a strange look. "Uh, B. I don't think that's the right-?"

"Ferebat sententium neoventis ex!" Benny said before the spell book vanished out of his hands. Ellie's jaw dropped.
"You've got to be kidding me."


Benny and Ellie stood beside of the snack bar, waiting for Ethan's signal text to pounce on the vampiric attack.

"Are you two wanting anything?" a girl from behind the counter asked. The two looked at each other and tried to use nonverbal communication. Ellie sent him a look that read 'you-know-we-can't' while Benny sent her a look back that read 'I'm-going-to-anyways'.

"Oh, what the heck! Get us an extra large popcorn with extra butter, extra salt, and... extra popcorn. Life's short, right?" he said to the girl. As he paid, Ellie got he text from Ethan.

'Holy water in place. Plan B ready.'

Ellie turned to him while he shoved popcorn in his mouth and said, "Plan B's ready."

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