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The three heard the doorbell ring from the kitchen right after Sarah left.
"Oh, pizza dude is SO late. Ha ha, bonus!" Benny exclaimed, opening the front door.

"Come on in, bud. This is going to taste so much better 'cause it's free!" Benny said. "Sorry, dude, but I am just dying for a bite."

"...So am I."

Ethan, Benny, and Ellie weirdly looked up to see the pizza guy suddenly revealing a set of vampiric fangs and glowing yellow eyes. They all screamed yet again this evening as Ellie held Jane in support.
"It's ok, Jane! He's just playing a game, you know?" Ellie said, trying to calm her down while she shook in her arms.

"Yeah, a game. Whoever tells me where Sarah is first spends less time screaming," the vampire hissed.
Jane screamed at the top of her lungs and Ellie's jaw dropped. "Crappy game, dude...!"

Sarah surprisingly popped up in front of the four of them. "Can I play too?"
Ethan, Benny, and Ellie all looked at her and didn't hesitate to yell, "YES!"

"Jesse got tired of waiting, so he sent me to come pick you up," the vampire shrilled to Sarah.
"Guess you are just the delivery boy after all," she spat.
The vampire evilly chuckled to himself. "At least I know whose side I'm on... fledgling."

While Sarah and the pizza guy continued their trash talk, Benny got an idea to distract the delivery vampire.
"C-Can I just grab a slice before you guys do your whole vampire, trash talk thing? If I'm going to have a last meal, I want it to be the Italiano Deluxe," Benny said, not being able to stop his voice from shaking.

"With extra garlic!" Ethan yelled, tipping Benny to run at the vampire with a slice of pizza in his hand. Ethan, Benny, Ellie, and Jane took advantage of Benny's quick thinking and ran up the stairs to Ethan's room, leaving Sarah to fight off the pizza vamp.

Reaching Ethan's room, Ellie sat Jane on the bed and joined Ethan and Benny in holding the door closed to prevent anymore danger.

"I don't think she's winning," Ellie said, looking at her friends while holding the door shut.
"Of course, she's not winning! She's not even a real vampire yet!" Benny yelled.

"Sarah's a vampire?" Jane questioned.
The three just looked at each other hoping that someone would explain to her. Ethan ended up taking the responsibility and began explaining to his little sister the horrors that they've already faced that evening.

"Guys, someone's coming!" Ellie yelled, leading the boys to push Ethan's bed from its original position to block the doorway.
"It's me, let me in!" Sarah yelled from the other side of the door.
The boys groaned as they pushed the bed back to where it was before, rolling their eyes at Jane who laughed off the action.

"What do you have for weapons?" Sarah asked as she held the door closed. The three of them quickly began to run around Ethan's room, trying to look for anything that they could use. They went through several things until the delivery vampire angrily punched through the bedroom door.

They all shrieked at the punch until Ellie hurriedly grabbed one of Ethan's many debate trophies and stabbed the vampire through its hand.
"Come on!" Benny yelled, motioning them to Ethan's window to escape.

The five ran towards the front yard until the pizza guy swiftly met them once again. He hissed at them until Sarah used her vampiric speed to run up from behind and stab him through the chest with a wooden stake. Ethan shielded Jane's eyes while Ellie scooted behind Benny.

"Okay, she might be a lousy babysitter, but that was the bomb!" Benny exclaimed.


"It's amazing she can sleep now," Sarah pointed to Jane, who was fast asleep on their couch.
"Yeah, Grandma's got the magic touch. When I was six and afraid of robots, she-!"

"Fascinating!" Sarah interrupted, making her way toward the front door. "Look, if I can get to Jesse's before midnight, then I could still save Erica."

"Wait, that pizza guy isn't dead, right?" Ethan asked.
"Not dead. Just in this weird 'limbo for souls' thing. He won't be back here," she answered.
As Sarah sped out the front door, Benny's phone began to ring.


"Do I even bother?" Benny asked Ethan and Ellie.
"Eh, why not?" Ethan answered. Ellie shrugged in response.

"Benny, wazzuppp!"

"Wazzuup..." he answered, unenthusiastically.
"You guys are lame, that's wazzup," Ethan said, high-fiving Ellie as he followed them into the kitchen.

"If I'm so lame, then how am I chillaxin' at the sickest party in town?" Rory asked.
"Wait, did we skip another D&D session?" Ellie asked, genuinely concerned.

"No, my beautiful maiden," Rory said to Ellie. Benny rolled his eyes and Ellie made a vomiting noise.

"It's at a giant mansion and almost all the kids here are seniors! Take a look at all these peeps!" 

Benny received a picture from Rory of an otherwise empty room with no one but Erica in sight. The three friends gasped at their new problem.

"Rory... are those the guys from the drama club?" Ellie asked, sounding worried.

"Sure is, babe. They've been asking about you," Rory said to Ellie. Benny and Ethan turned to her, almost as confused as she was.

"Rory, why are they asking about me? I don't know any of them," she said.

"I don't really know. They've been saying that you have something they need and that you're really hot and stuff, which I agree with," Rory said.
Benny felt like throwing something. He hated when guys called Ellie hot, especially creepy vampire noobs. Even if he agreed with them.

"A candidate for wha-?" Ethan began until Rory cut him off.

"Sorry, dude. Conga line!" he yelled before hanging up.

Ellie huffed to the newly found problems that they have just been faced with. Benny rolled his eyes at that familiar huff.
"Oh, don't say it. Please don't say it," Benny said, scrunching up his face to make Ethan agree with him.
"Come on, B. Rory's our friend," Ellie said, looking up at him. Benny knew that he could never say no to Ellie, especially with those pretty, green eyes staring up at him.

"Agh! Fine, we'll go. But I'm not walking."

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