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"She's gone?!"
Ellie practically shouted in the middle of the hallway as Ethan and Benny shared the unfortunate news.

"Yeah... but I am 99.9% sure that I found the right spell to turn her back into a doll," Benny explained.

"It's kind of scary that there's a tiny margin of error," Ellie said.

"Well, let's do it!" Ethan said, racing for a solution.
"Well, I'm not sure how Jane pronounced it, so she has to cast it herself," Benny explained.

"Great. And my parents?"
Ellie turned towards Ethan, confused.
"His parents got turned into tiny Barbie dolls. Long story, but they should revert back to normal once the spell's been reversed."

"Wait, stop. She can—?"

"Another topic for another time, El," Ethan interrupted. "Anyway, all we have to do is find that life-sized killer fashion doll and bring her down."

"If that doll tries to touch me with her creepy, plastic, killer doll hands, do not be surprised if I use one of you as a human shield," said Ellie. "Have you guys seen Rory?"

"Kinda," Benny shrugged. "He texted me saying you that he was hanging out with his new girlfriend."

"He's totally mad that you two didn't let him in last night," Ellie suggested.
"Or he actually has a girlfriend...?"

The three of them couldn't keep a straight face at the thought of Rory dating someone and burst into laughter.


Ethan, Benny, and Ellie met with Rory at the end of their conjoined class.
"Hey, Rory," Ethan began. "We know you're mad about last night, but—!"

"Mad? How could I be mad?" he asked. "Last night was awesome! It's not everyday that you get to rescue a fair maiden from your clutches, especially one that's so into me."

"Wait, what?" Ethan realized. "You let Debbie out? Why would you do that?"

"Because she's hot!"

"Dude, she's a doll," Benny told him. "I mean, literally. A doll."

Rory became confused.

"As in she's made of plastic!" he said, frustrated.

"Well, yeah. All the hottest girls are, except Hottie Prince," Rory said, pointing to Ellie. Benny's face turned into a glare as Ethan began to insist the geek vampire.

"Rory, get this through your thick vampire skull!" he almost yelled. "Debbie is not human!"

"Are you three talking about me?"
They all jumped around to find Debbie stood next to them in the hallway. The teenagers sprung back in fear.
"There's my girl," Rory boasted, slinging his arm around Debbie's waist.

"How'd it go with Principal Hicks?" Rory continued. Debbie smiled a creepy smirk.

"Oh, him. He was such a doll. Hi, guys!"

Debbie wiggled her fingers towards the three geeks, greeting them with an eerie grin. They walked backwards more behind Rory, as Debbie tried to hug them. 

"Oh my god, not again," Ellie whispered. "Ethan was right: I am going to pass out."

"Jumpy much? Especially you," Debbie pointed to Ellie. "Do you not like me?"

Ellie closed her eyes shut and hid them behind Benny's shoulder again.
"Not in the slightest, Plastic Face," she said to the doll.

"Flesh, blood, more than eight points of articulation. All thing I intend to keep, thank you," Benny shot at Debbie.
"You're coming with us," Ethan concluded, going to grab Debbie's arm.

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