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"He's a huge, awesome robot, Benny! All he'd have to do is yank on the warp engine nacelles!"
"Okay, Rory, that's like saying that a dude could fight a boat!"

"Could we just do this in a girl-free zone?" 

That was all that Ellie heard from her best friends as she stood with Sarah and Erica at the junior lockers. 

"So, how was your date last night?" Ellie asked Erica.

"Amazing. Kurt is so McYummy. We went out for dinner, and then we went to go see Super Dead 4. It was perfect!" she said with a smile on her face. 

"Do you mean perfect as in 'vampire' date perfect or regular date perfect?" Sarah asked her with a raised eyebrow.
"Awh, Sarah... you know I don't bite and tell," Erica smirked, flashing her fangs.

Watching Erica walk away, Sarah turned back to Ellie. "What about you?" 
Ellie continued to shuffle around the books in her backpack. "What about me, what?"

Sarah rolled her eyes at her, surprised at how oblivious she was. "I mean, you and Benny!"
Ellie knew that her entire face was completely pink.

"Aha! I knew it!"
Ellie quickly pointed a finger in front of Sarah's mouth and began to talk in a hushed voice.

"Okay... I may have a crush on Benny, but—!"

"Yes! You two would be so good together!" 

"—But I don't want anyone telling him, since it would definitely ruin our friendship until the end of time!" Ellie explained. 

"But he likes you back! It's so obvious!" Sarah insisted. 

"I am not having this conversation with you right now!" Ellie said to her, smiling. "I'm going to class. Later!"

Ellie turned the corner of the corridor and found Ethan, Benny, and Rory stood next to the trophy case with Mr. G, the history teacher. Benny and Rory were still arguing over nerd stuff.

"That's an extremely lonely trophy case," she butted in, standing in between Benny and Rory. After she said that, Benny looked over to Rory and glared at him, now suddenly angry.

"What'd you do that for?!"
Ellie looked up at him and saw that his hair was suddenly messed up. Rory stood confused, as did Ellie. She was still in between them when they started to shove each other. 

"Why don't you transform and roll out, dumblebee?"

"You're a warp ten butthead."

Ellie held her hands in between them and yelled out of the blue. "OH MY GOD, ETHAN!"

Benny and Rory turned to see what Ellie was yelling about, seeing Ethan's pants now down to his ankles. 

"Space theme? I would have guessed Spider Man," said Sarah, entering the hall to make Ethan's embarrassment way worse. 


"A ghost? You're joking, right?"

Benny and Ellie walked through the cafeteria lunch line, laughing at Ethan's outlandish campfire story. 
"I'm serious! Here, look," Ethan defended, sitting down at the lunch table to pull out an old yearbook.

"Ah, here he is," Ethan found, pointing to the buff wrestling couch from 1981. "His name is Coach Ed. It says that he was the gym teacher here 30 years ago."

"He's ancient!" Rory exclaimed.

Benny jokingly leaned into Ethan, loudly whispering in his ear to screw with his best friend. "...Is he here right now?"
Before Ethan could answer, Benny's sandwich that he held in his hand went flying across the cafeteria without his help. 
Ellie nodded, "I would say yes."

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