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Sarah finally met up by Ellie's locker where she was summoned. "I got your texts, what's up? You okay?"

"Y-Yeah, I'm good," Ellie began, twisting the yarn bracelet that returned on her wrist from practice. "I just need you to do me a favour."

"I don't know what this bracelet will do to me if I keep it off for too long," she explained, with Sarah responding with a sad expression for her friend. "But, I do know that if I go bonkers or full-witch mode on everybody, Ethan and Benny won't have the balls to take me out."

"Ellie, what are you saying?"
"...If I go crazy or out of control in any way at this pep rally, I need you to stop me."

Sarah stood speechless in front of the lockers, harshly swallowing at the task that Ellie gave to her. 
"Okay... if it happens, I will. That doesn't mean it will happen though, alright?"


"So, yesterday during practice, I had a horrible vision," Ethan began, sat at the lunch table with Benny, Ellie, and Sarah. They all instantly whipped around and tuned in to what he was going to say.
"It was almost like Erica sucked the blood out of everyone."

"That is bad, like incredibly bad," Sarah said, stating the obvious. "But I guess all we could do is wait until we think that she's going to strike."
Ellie heard a cough from behind her and saw the cheerleaders motioning them over to sit with them. This was a literal prison. 

Ellie stood up firmly and grabbed Sarah's arm, pulling her out of her chair.
"If I have to deal with them, so do you," Ellie told her as she dragged Sarah across the cafeteria to the cheerleaders' table. 

"Ellie is gonna go nuts," Benny stated.
"Why don't you help her out?" Ethan asked, curiously squinting at his friend.
"Not exactly how that works," Benny explained. "Grandma said since our power sources are so different, she can't really benefit from my powers and I can't benefit from hers. It'd be like Doctor Strange helping out Scarlet Witch."

"Wassup, my main men!" Rory said, interrupting Benny's explanation. Joining the geeks at their lunch table, Rory sat wearing the bright red devil costume of the school symbol.

"Rory, you're the mascot?" Ethan asked him.
"Of course! What's a better way to hang out with all the hot cheerleading chicks?" Rory cheesed. 

Ethan and Benny braced themselves for the next few words to leave Rory's mouth about the cheerleaders.
"There's this one hottie McLovely named Betty! She's so into me!" he exclaimed.
"Yeah, I doubt that, dude," Benny convinced. The last thing he needed was Rory all over him. 

"What about Veronica?"
Rory's face flinched as he said, "She's okay, I guess."
Ethan stared back at him. "...Just okay?"
"Her legs are kind of bandy."
Benny couldn't help but let out a laugh as Ethan glared back at him.

Ellie and Sarah went up to the front of the lunch line to join Erica with the rest of the cheerleaders. Stephanie barged right to the front, with no regards for the other people waiting in line.

"Liver sandwiches? That's gross," Stephanie whined to the lunch lady. 
"You know, these kids were here first," the lunch lady defended. "Every day, you come in here and—!"

The lunch lady's statement was quickly halted by the cash register clamping down on her fingers. Ellie looked to Stephanie and saw that her eyes were glowing magenta, just like hers were at practice.
"You should be more careful," Stephanie mocked. 

"I know what I'd like for lunch," Erica added, flashing her fangs. Sarah dragged Ellie with her away from the lunch line as Erica angrily hissed at Stephanie. 


"The star is the most important position for the pep rally tomorrow!"
Stephanie went up to each girl, barking at them as she held their arms up in specific positions.
"It has to be perfect if we're going to get enough team spirit."

"We're forces of nature, that's what makes a star! We may look like girls, but that's not all we are!"

"Spirit fingers!" The girls shouted as they threw their hands in the air. Ellie groaned once their hands were down. She couldn't even describe how much she hated this.

"Let's hit the mall!" Stephanie told the other girls.
As the rest of the cheerleading squad made their way to the locker room, the geeks and vampires stayed put in the middle of the Whitechapel High gym.

"I can't believe we signed up for this," Ellie croaked to Sarah.
"Where to next? Straight home?" Sarah continued.

"Actually, I think I'm gonna grab a bite." Erica smirked, swiftly making her way towards the cheerleaders. Sarah quickly realized where she was going and started to run after her. 

"'We're forces of nature, that's what makes a star,'" Benny repeated to Ethan and Ellie. "You know, something about that just makes me feel all tingly inside."

"...Are you sure it's our new cheers and not your new boyfriend?" Ethan asked.
"What does that mean?" Ellie questioned, her thoughts being quickly interrupted by a costumed Rory skipping into the gym.

"Hello there, my Beelzababe!" Rory exclaimed to Benny, who tried to remember that he was standing in a blonde wig.
Benny looked towards Ellie for help but she just wanted to see how this would go.
"Sweetie, stop... Stop."



Hello there! I'm currently on spring break now and for the next couple days, I'll be writing a bunch so be prepared! Thanks, my main men.

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