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Ethan, Benny, and Ellie were having a normal day in history class, which meant that they were extremely close to banging their head on the desks from drowsiness. "I just want a nap," Benny groaned.

"Awh, I miss naps," Rory said from another table. "The dreaming, the snoring, the drooling.."

"Pft. When did you give up drooling?" Ethan asked him.

Mr. G held up a weird-looking mask to the class and began to talk about it, not gaining any attention from the students. "Here's a sight for scary eyes. According to native legend, an ancient warlord would use this mask to bring to life the fighting spirits of his enemies."

"And the warlord's warriors would don the furs of wolves and bears, and then- do you know what happened?" Mr. G asked the class.

"PETA would get a bit triggered?" Ellie suggested, causing the class to laugh. Benny added, "They smelled like old carcasses?"

"No, the natives believed the warriors would turn into actual wolves and bears!" Mr. G explained.

The bell rang overhead and every student was eager to get up and leave. "I saw that you were sleeping, Rory," Mr. G told him. "Oh, I wasn't sleeping, Mr. G. I was just pretending to sleep."

"Great, now you can pretend to stay after class and clean the blackboards."


"You told her about the 'party'?" Ellie repeated as her and Benny were stood at Ethan's locker. "Yeah, why not?"

"Because it will just be the three of us, that's why," Benny reminded.

"Are you two seriously trying to tell me that we don't have a dozen friends with ready-to-wear costumes and no Halloween plans?" Ethan asked them.

"Yes, that is exactly what we're trying to tell you!" Ellie said, stating the obvious. "The only other friends that we have are going to a blood bash at the council."

"Speaking of blood suckers, you really wanna make Sarah's night. Don't you?" Benny cooed.

"I just don't want to ruin her night. Anyways, we can at least invite Rory," Ethan suggested. "What?" Benny and Ellie said together. "Do you even remember last time? The caveman thing? That wasn't even a costume party!"

"Look, I'm sure he'll be better this time." They each heard grunting from down the hallway and saw Rory maniacally laughing and wearing that mask from Mr. G's class. Ethan looked to Benny and Ellie and saw that they weren't even surprised. "That's still better."


"All right, El. I've got this wicked idea for a costume and it will blow your mind," Benny said through Ellie's webcam.

"Well the last time I checked, you said you couldn't decide between Merlin and a mexican wrestler," Ellie remembered. "Yeah, and it'll be amazing. You're still going as Hermione?"

"Do you even have to ask?" she joked as she held up her Hogwarts robe. "I get to be an actual witch for Halloween."

"You're like witch times two," Benny smiled. "I'll see you at Ethan's, okay?"

"Okay. See ya," Ellie chuckled as she ended the call.

It wasn't even a surprise that she would be Hermione for Halloween. Ellie has been going as geeky characters all her life, and this year happened to be the year that she got her Gryffindor robe.

Ellie got her whole costume on and hopped onto her bike to go to Ethan's. She didn't really think much of this 'party', since any of Ethan's so called Halloween parties are just her, Ethan, and Benny sprawled onto his couch watching horror movies. She stopped her bike in front of the porch and walked into the front door, seeing way more people than we thought there would be.

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