Chapter 2

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"You're home!" Laura shouts from the sofa as Adele walks in the door.

Adele just smiles at her before putting her things down.

"What's wrong?" Laura asks.

"Nothing, I'm just thinking," she explains.

"How was the meeting with Mr. Konecki?" Laura asks smirking slightly.

"It was fine," she said as she unpacked her bag.

"How was he?" Laura asked as she sat up straight.

"He was... intimidating," she said almost in a whisper.

"Wow," Laura smirked.

"Can you stop," she laughed.

"Anything else I should know about?" Laura asked.

"No Laura, what did you make for dinner?" she asked as she handed her a leather bond notebook from the bag.

"Thank you," Laura said as she grabbed the notebook and placed it on the coffee table.

"I didn't make anything, I wasn't hungry," Laura shrugged.

"Hm," Adele hummed as she walked into the kitchen opening up the refrigerator.

"Your graduation is in a week right?" Laura asked as she sat on the kitchen island.

"Yes," she replied putting down the ingredients she had taken out of the fridge.

"Have you bought a dress anything?" Laura asked looking up at her friend.

"Nope," she replied as she opened the jar of mayonnaise.

"What!" Laura shouted.

"I haven't had time, I'll go this weekend, I get my check by then," she says grabbing a spoon from the drawer next to her.

"You suck," Laura laughs.

"How exactly?" she chuckles in response.

"Just go with it, you ask to much questions," Laura says getting up from the island.

Adele spreads the mayo on the slice of whole wheat bread before putting it down on the plate.

"Make me one," Laura says grabbing a water bottle for herself and Adele from the fridge before shutting it.

"Fine," she says before putting a slice of bread on top to finish off the sandwich.

Laura puts down the water bottles watching Adele cut the crusts off the bread before taking the sandwich.

"Hey give it back, that's mine," Adele shouts pointing the butter knife at Laura.

"You still want it," Laura says before taking a bite out of it.

"Yes, give it back," she shouts running to the other side of he counter.

"Just make yourself another sandwich," Laura says running into the living room with the sandwich.

"But that was my sandwich," she groans before pushing Laura down grabbing the sandwich from her hands.

"Never take my food again, you hear me Dockrill!" she yells before laughing as she takes a bite out of the sandwich.

"Fat ass," Laura mumbles.

"What was that?" Adele shouts as Laura walks into the kitchen.

"Enjoy the sandwich!" Laura shouts from the kitchen.

"That's what I thought!" she shouts back before laughing.

Hey y'all hope you enjoyed Chapter number two. I know it's a really short chapter but I hope you liked it. Thank you for reading don't forget to vote and to comment any suggestions if you have any.

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