Chapter 29

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"Babe," Adele shouted from the living room as she sat down watching a movie. Simon then quickly ran into the room worriedly.

"What's wrong are you okay?" he asked.

"I'm craving Mexican food," she smiled.

"I just finished dinner, I made some enchiladas," he said.

"Did you really?" she asked.

"Yes, look come, they taste pretty decent," he said as he helped her up from the sofa.

She quickly pecked his lips as she stood up.

She looked in the kitchen where two plates had enchiladas on them.

"Awe babe, they look amazing," she laughed.

"Yes," he smiled before she giggled at him.

"Yes they do," she laughed.

"Come on, go sit at the table, before they get cold," he said as he grabbed the plates.

"Babe can you bring me a la croix," Adele said.

"Sure," he said as he grabbed some forks before grabbing the la croix. He handed her a fork before he sat down st the table.

"So what do you think?" he asked as she cut up a piece.

"They're good, no offense but they aren't as good as the ones from the Mexican restaurant we like," she said laughing.

"Really?" He laughed.

"Yeah," she laughed as she ate another piece.

"You're always bashing me," he laughed.

"No I'm not!" she laughed.

"Our baby is going to like my enchiladas though," he smiled.

"How do you know that?" she asked.

"I just know," he said.

"Adele! Babe I'm going to start the car, I'll be waiting outside," Simon said as he grabbed the car keys.

Adele finished tying the rubber band from her bun before she grabbed her purse and phone. She was wearing an oversized grey sweater with some black tights, black converse, and a scarf with leopard print on it.

She locked the door and walked to the car and got in.

"Are you excited?" Adele asked.

"For what?" he said.

"The baby's gender?" she said.

"We have the letter at home," he said.

"Uh I know, I sent it for the cake to be made," she said.

"Right," he said as he stopped at the red light.

Simon continued driving until they finally got to the doctors. She signed in before being called.

The nurse took her weight and height before taking her blood pressure and checking her iron.

"Babies head's are always big aren't they?" Simon asked.

"What kind of question is that Simon?" she asked laughing.

"I don't know, but it's true," he shrugged before the doctor came in.

She had Adele lift up her shirt so he could see her belly.

"How are you two doing today?" the doctor asked.

"Great," Adele replied.

"That's good, have you had any pain in your abdominal area?" the doctor asked.

"Not really," she said.

"Alright, your blood pressure was normal and your iron was at a normal level as well," the doctor said.

She began to rub a gel over Adele's tummy. She ran the wand over her tummy before locating the baby's head.

"The baby's head is huge, it almost as big as your's," Simon commented.

"Your comments are very much appreciated Simon," she laughed.

The day had finally come when they were officially going to find out the gender of the baby.

Adele's mum and close friends, Laura and Liz, came over for dinner. Simon's cook had prepared a dinner which included was sea food.

Simon's family then arrived and they all sat down at the table. They chatted as they ate their dinner.

"Is the baby in there?" one of Simon's friend's kids asked as he pointed at Adele's tummy.

"Ollie," his mom warned.

"It's fine," Adele laughed.

"Is it?" he asked.

"Yes it is Ollie," she laughed as she handed him a fun sized chocolate before he left.

Once everyone finished up their dinner Adele's mum brought out the cake. It was covered in white icing all around.

Everyone watched in anticipation as Adele smiled at Simon.

"I want a girl!" Simon's niece shouted causing everyone to laugh.

"Me too," Simon winked.

"It doesn't really matter what it is as long as it's healthy," Adele smiled as she held the knife.

"You ready?" Simon asked as he put his hands over hers.

They pushed down on the cake before blue frosting covered the knife.

"It's a boy!" Adele shouted excitedly before she began crying. Simon held her in his arms as she cried tears of happiness.

"It's a boy baby," Simon smiled before kissing her lips.

Quick short chapter! Thanks for reading, don't forget to vote and comment, love y'all so much xoxo
-Ney 💞

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