Chapter 16

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"Congratulations Mr and Mrs Konecki, it's a boy," the doctor said as she handed ultrasound pictures to them.

"Oh my god," she began as her eyes began watering.

"We're having a boy baby," Simon smiled as he hugged his crying girlfriend.

"I know I'm so happy, I was right, I knew it was going to be a boy," she laughed as she wiped her tears.

"Then why are you crying baby?" Simon laughed.

"They're tears of joy Simon, I can't wait to meet him soon," she smiled as she leaned her head onto him.

"Me either babe," he said before pecking her lips.

"You can wipe off the gel before you go," the doctor said as she handed her something to wipe her tummy.

"Thank you," she replied as she took the wipe and wiped down the gel.

Simon helped her stand up from the bed before he interlocked his fingers with hers.
"What are you doing babe?" Simon asked waking into the living room where Adele was eating popcorn as she did something on her laptop that sat on top of her tummy.

"Looking a baby boy names, there is a few good ones, what do you think about Ethan?" she asked looking up at him.

"Hm, 'This is my girlfriend Adele, and my son Ethan', it is a really good name," he said as he sat beside her looking at her screen.

"So we put it in the maybes list?" she asked.

"Of course, yeah do it," he said as he wrote the name Ethan in her notebook.

"Oh look how about Michael," she said.

"Not that name," Simon said as he looked at her with a confused face.

"Why not?" She asked.

"There is only one Michael I should know, and that is Michael Jordan," he said.

"Jesus Christ Simon," she laughed.

"I'm just saying," he laughed.

"Hm, Jordan?" she asked.

"Nope," Simon replied before she laid her head against his shoulder.

"What do you think then Simon?" she asked.

"I really like the name Adam," Simon said.

"What about James! Simon we have to name him James!" she said as she put her laptop down on the coffee table.

"I love that name," Simon said as he put his hands on her tummy.

"James it is," she smiled at him before kissing Simon's lips.
"Oh my god, Addie you're huge!" she shouted as Adele walked inside.

"Mum!" she laughed.

"What?" she asked as she put her hands on her daughter's tummy.

"Hello little baby grandma can't wait to meet you," she said in a baby voice as Adele laughed.

"How far along are you?" Penny asked.

"6 months," she said as she sat down.

"A boy or girl?" she asked.

"He is James," she laughed as she held her tummy.

"Awe baby that's a very nice name," she gushed.

"I know both Simon and I love it, we can't wait to be able to hold him in our arms we are so excited," she smiled as her mum poured tea into her mug.

"I'm sure you are, have you been having any cravings?" she asked.

"A lot of chocolate and chicken nuggets," she laughed.

"Chocolate and chicken nuggets? Really? I was expecting pickles or what not," she replied.

"No, he likes chocolate and chicken nuggets," she laughed.

"Are you doing great so far no morning sickness?" she asked.

"Every once in a while but he's a good baby," she said.

"Is he starting to kick a bit now?" her mum asked.

"Yes he is! Simon loves it when he kicks, you should see his reaction every time," she laughed.

"I can't believe you're having a baby," her mom smiled as she placed her hands on her belly.

Heyo it's me again lmfao hope you enjoyed his chapter don't forget to vote and comment if you have any suggestions

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