Chapter 30

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"A few people from the office wanted to send us some stuff," Simon said as he stood by the door watching Adele dip the paint brush inside of the paint.

"Awe, did they really?" she asked smiling as Simon handed her the gifts.

"Oh my god this is adorable," she gushed as she took out a blanket with a small elephant on it.

Simon took then took the paintbrush and finished off what Adele had drawn so far on the wall.

"Babe, look at these little boots," she said as she showed Simon some cute light blue fuzzy boots.

She put the things away before Simon helping her set up the crib and move it to the place she wanted it to be moved.

"It's fine there," she said as Simon put the dark oak crib by the window.
They finished up the nursery and Adele laid down to have a nap due to her being exhausted. Simon placed a reservation at a restaurant for 7pm.

He combed his fingers through her hair as she slept peacefully on the bed. He turned on the tv to the news channel before grabbing his lap top and reading through his emails.

He got an email from one of his coworkers which said that they needed him at the office immediately for a meeting.

"Adele, babe," he said as he brushed her blonde hair out of her face.

"What?" she asked.

"I'm going to head to the office for some business, I'll be back around 6 I'm hoping, get ready around that time we have a reservation," he said.

"Oh okay, have fun babe, I love you," she said as she reached up to kiss his lips. The kiss lasted a bit longer than she intended to but they did not mind.

"Bye I love you, take care of our baby boy," Simon said.

"I will," she laughed before closing her eyes as Simon left the room.
It was 7:39 when Simon checked the time. He was late. He realized Adele had called him about 8 times and he didn't answer.

He got home and parked the car before heading inside where Adele sat watching tv in a burgundy maternity dress.

"It's about time isn't it Simon," she said as she looked at him putting his keys away.

"I'm sorry, I swear I tried to get here earlier but that did not work out," he said.

"It's fine," she sighed.

"Hi little one," Simon smiled as he bent down to kiss her tummy.

"I can't wait till he is here," Simon said.

"Me either Simon," she smiled.

"Babe, I have to talk to you," Simon started as Adele just stared at him.

"Yeah?" she asked.

"I'm going to have to go away for a month or so for a project in Africa, one of the villages we fixed last year their well isn't working," he said.

"Please tell me you're kidding Simon," she said as tears welled into her eyes.

"Babe I'm sorry," he said.

"Simon, I can't do this on my own," she said.

"Yes you can baby, you'll be able to this I know you can," he said.

"When are you leaving?" she asked.

"In a week," he said.

"I want to go with you," she said.

"Babe, you can't I'm sorry," Simon sighed as he tried to put his arms around her.

"Leave me alone, I can't believe you're really leaving me just to go do something for your work," she yelled at him.

"Babe you'll be fine, your mom's going to be here with you," he said.

"My mum left Simon! She's not going to travel all the way from London to San Francisco, not until I'm close to my due date," she said.

"What about Laura," Simon suggested.

"Laura has her own life Simon, she has her own problems we can't just depend on her to be with me when you're not here," she said.

"Babe, look, you've got to understand that everything I'm doing is for you and our son, as much as I enjoy staying here with you I've got a job baby I can't just let everyone down, I love my job, and I know it could be hard at times due to me having to travel, but you should know I love you and I think about you all the time," he said as he dried her tears.

"I know, I'm sorry, I just don't want you to go," she said as she gave him a tight lip smile.

"C'mon now, wipe your face, let's go out for dinner?" He asked and she nodded.

"You look stunning my love," Simon said as he rested his hands on her belly.

She laughed before she pecked his lips.

"I love you," she laughed as she rested her forehead against his.

"I love you more," he smiled.

She got off the car and smiled at Simon as she stepped into the cold sand. Simon grabbed a hold of her hand and led her to a small picnic was set up. She touched on of the fairy lights that went around the thin red blanket on the sand.

"I got you a sub, because I know you've been craving subs," Simon said as he handed one to her causing her to giggle.

"The baby is kicking," she said as she sat down.

Simon presses his lips against her tummy causing her to smile at him as she held her tummy.

"What are we going to name him?" she asked.

"I don't know," Simon said.

"What should we name you angel?" Adele said in a baby voice as she ran her hands over her tummy.

Simon smiled at her until he thought of a name.

"Angel?" Simon said thinking.

"Angelo," they both said before laughing and looking up at each other.

"Angelo?" Simon asked.

"Angelo," she said excitedly.

"Angelo James?" Simon said as Adele felt her heart break.

"Simon, do you really want to name him that?" she asked.

"I know, our first kids name was supposed to be James, we could give Angelo his middle name in his honor," Simon explained as he grabbed her hand.

She just nodded her head as tears welled into her eyes.

"Angelo James Konecki," Adele said.

"Angelo James Konecki," Simon repeated before pressing his lips against hers.

I'm finally back home from my holiday, I was so excited to finally update and finally get good WiFi to upload, also just noticed my book is number 1 in "sidele" Thank y'all so much for voting and commenting love y'all so much xoxo
-Ney 💞

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