Chapter 10

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All day the next day she couldn't stop thinking about Simon. She found him so attractive now, after finding out about him a little more. She was glad she had accepted going out to dinner with him.

"Hello hello daydreamer," Laura laughed as she dramatically waved her hand over her best friends face.

"What?" she asked as her cheeks flushed red with embarrassment.

"Thinking about your new boy toy," Laura teased and Adele rolled her eyes.

"I'm actually going to give him a chance," she said.

"Finally, I'm happy you finally changed your mind about him, he seems like a sweet man," Laura smiled.

"He is, you don't even know Laura," she said.

"How was it?" Laura asked.

"It was great really," she smiled at Laura.

"I need details," Laura said as she opened the cabinet.

"Um, we went to dinner," she started.

"I know that! What happened at dinner?" Laura asked as she set the pancake mix on the counter.

"Well, he took me to a really expensive restaurant, it was nice, he's actually very down to earth and a great person to have a conversation with," she smiled as Laura smirked.

"Did anything else happen that I should know about?" Laura asked.

"We also went to the fair," she said.

"Adele stop playing games with me! Tell me the juicy stuff!" Laura screamed playfully.

"Okay, fine," she said laughing at her friends little outburst.

"Why was your lipstick smeared when you came home," Laura asked and Adele felt her cheeks heat up.

"We kissed okay," she said shyly.

"Oh, that's it?" Laura asked.

"What did you want? Me to fuck him, no ma'am, that wasn't going to happen," Adele chuckled.

"Just kidding! Did you really?" Laura asked.

"Yes I did," she said.

"Who went in for it?" Laura asked.

"Both of us," she smiled as she handed Laura a whisk.

"So when's the next date?" Laura asked.

"Tonight," she said shrugging.

It was close to being 8pm, which was the time he was going to take her out. He had asked her to dress comfortably so she wore some black tights with an Ivy Park sweatshirt.

As she headed downstairs there was a knock on the door and she opened it to see Simon standing there smiling at her.

"May I?" He asked.

"Of course," she smiled as he took her hand into his.

"Where are we going tonight?" she asked as he opened the door for her.

"Oh, no driver today?" she asked.

"Nope, today I'm driving," he said kissing her hand before shutting the door.

She felt the heat in her cheeks rise and smiled.

He got into the other side of the car and started he engine. She grabbed his hand as soon as he started backing up from the parking spot. He smiled at her before squeezing her hand.

They talked as he drove while George Michael played softly in the background.

"Okay, now I'm going to need you to be blind folded," he exclaimed, " don't worry, just trust me," he then added seeing the look of concern that had been written on the girls face.

"Fine," she smiled as she let him put a blind fold on her. She then felt the car move and she held on tightly to her seat filled with excitement and curiosity. She then felt the car come to a sudden stop after a couple 15 minutes.

"Wait in the car," he said as he opened the door and walked to her side to open her door.

She laughed as he held her shoulders and led her.

"Are you ready?" he asked and she quickly nodded before he untied the blind fold.

She opened her eyes and looked around to see that he had taken her to Hawk Hill. She looked around and spotted the Golden Gate Bridge. She had seen the bridge probably billions of times but somehow he actually made it feel special.

"Come on, we don't have time to look at the bridge I'm sure you've seen it plenty of times," he said as he took her hand.

"Where are we going?" she asked.

"Just listen," he said as they walked up a steep hill.

She listened and didn't really come up with much until they reached the top of the hill.

"No way, you're joking," she laughed as she saw the Taylor standing by a helicopter.

"Not at all," he laughed before taking her hand and running towards the helicopter.

"So who's going to take this thing?" she asked.

"Me," he replied before buckling her up in her seat.

"You know how to use this thing?" she asked in awe as he just nodded.

They took off of the ground and he flew them over the bridge before heading out to the sea.

Hey there, hope you enjoyed this chapter don't forget to vote and comment if you have any suggestions. Btw I'm so sorry for the slow updates I'll try to update as much as I can.
-Ney 💙

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