Chapter 12

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She arrived on the floor Simon's office was on and got off the elevator holding Simon's lunch. She went up to the woman sitting at the desk by the elevator before asking if Simon wasn't busy right now.

"So who would Mr. Konecki be meeting with right now?" the woman asked.

"I'm Adele, his girlfriend," she said as the woman dialed Simon's number. She heard the woman sitting by the one who was dialing scoff.

She walked away and dialed Simon.

"Hey, is something wrong what's up?" He asked.

"I came to bring you lunch but your secretary is making it hard for me to get into your office," she said.

"I'll be there in a sec," he said.

"Okay, thanks," she said before hanging up.

She smiled as she saw him walk toward her.

"Hey," he smiled before pecking her lips as the secretary who had scoffed at her rolled her eyes.

"I brought you a little something for lunch," she said as his arm traveled to her waist and he led her to his office.

"What did you bring me?" He asked smiling as he took the lunch from her hands.

"It's a salami and cream cheese sandwich with some harvest cheddar sun chips and a coke," she said as set it down on his desk.

"Sounds delicious, have you ate?" He asked.

"There are two in there for a reason." She laughed.

"Let's eat then, I don't want you hungry." He chuckled as he handed her a sandwich.

Simon finished his lunch before Adele and threw away his trash.

"You've got a little something here," Simon said as he pointed to her mouth.

"Where?" she asked as she wiped her mouth.

"Here I'll help you out," he said as he walked up to her and wiped her lips before pressing his against hers. She laughed a little before completely giving in. Her hand traveled to his neck as his to her waist. She slowly got up as continued holding her waist. He cleared off a section of his desk before lifting her up onto it.

Sparks flew between them. His calloused hands ran over her exposed legs before they were abruptly interrupted by Ana bringing in some folders.

"C'mon," Simon said as he helped her up from the table.

"I'm so embarrassed," she said.

"Don't be, you should feel like that bitch," Simon said causing her to abrupt into a fit of laughter.

"Simon," she said before wrapping her arms around his neck. He just smiled at her before pecking her lips.

"I've got to get back to work now," she said as she looked at the time on her phone.

"Right, you've got to get back to editing peoples work," Simon said.

"I enjoy it, I get to read many books," she said taking ahold of his hand.

"I know, and I'm not stopping you alright, take care, I'll see you later for the movie," he said kissing her forehead.

"I'll see you later, take care as well, and don't let those crazy girls around you, or I will beat their asses and then yours," she laughed opening the door causing him to chuckle.

"Wait, I'll walk you out," he said as he ran up to her and took her hand.

"Oh okay," she smiled as she tucked her strawberry blonde hair behind her ear.

She started packing up her things from her desk.

"Have you finished?" Josh, her boss, asked.

"Uh, yeah, I emailed them to you," she replied holding her laptop against her chest.

"Great, did you enjoy it?" he asked.

"Yeah, it's very well organized, the plot is amazing," she said.

"Great, I'll take a look later, good work Ms. Adkins," he said before walking away.

She walked out of the office to see Simon waiting for her with Taylor. As she walked up to him she heard someone call her name.

"Adele!" Josh shouted.

"Yes?" she asked turning around swiftly.

"You forgot your wallet and charger at your desk," he said as he handed them to her.

"Oh, thank you very much," she said as she took them.

"No problem," he smiled as Simon rolled his eyes.

"Should we go now, so you have enough time to get ready?" Simon asked.

"Uh, Yeah," she smiled at him as he looked at her with a straight face.

"I'll get going as well, see you tomorrow Ms. Adele," Josh smiled before walking off.

"Here I'll take these things for you, I'm sure you're exhausted," Simon said.

"No it's fine, you're being too sweet," she said as she opened the door and set her things down on the seat.

"Well as least let me close the door for you," he said.

"Fine," she smiled at him as he closed it and then walked to the other side.

"What's wrong? Why do you look so mad?" she asked.

"I don't like the way that fucker looks at you," he said as she laughed.

"It's okay, he's just my boss, it's just business between us nothing else, alright," she smiled kissing his cheek before putting her charger inside her laptop case.

"It's not funny, I'm serious, if he does it again I will beat his ass," he said.

"No you won't," she said seriously.

"I will, and he can't do shit about it," he said as he grabbed his chin with his right hand.

"No you won't," she said.

"And who says?" he asked.

"I do, so shut up," she smiled.

"Fine, I won't do it, but I will send someone to do it for me," he said with a slight smile on his face.

"Simon!" she shouted playfully.

"Okay, fine, I'll leave him alone," he said before putting his arms around her and resting his head against hers.

What is up. I just realized I haven't updated in over a month lmao sorrayyy I wrote this chapter not to long ago and I just got around to edit it. I hope you enjoyed it because I know this high key sucks. Don't forget to vote or comment if you have any suggestions.


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