Chapter 19

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She wiped her tears from her eyes as she walked in through the door. She thought she would come home with a baby but instead she left the hospital empty handed.

The baby had died due to fetal distress. Which means James didn't get enough oxygen in his body when he was born. She couldn't help but feel guilt for the death of her son.

"Want anything?" Simon asked as she sat in the living room.

"I don't want anything! I want my baby!" she cried before Simon held her in his arms.

"Babe please you need eat or drink something, you haven't ate in days," he sighed.

"Eating? Is eating going to bring him back Simon," she asked.

"Of course it's not, but I can't have you like this Adele,"  Simon said as his eyes welled up with tears. 

"I just witnessed my child's burial, why don't you understand how I feel, so you not know how broken and miserable I'm feeling right now?" she asked as she cried.

"I lost my child too Adele," he said.

"You don't know I feel, I feel awful, it's all my fault maybe if I had went earlier maybe if I hadn't done something maybe if I wouldn't have done anything, he would be here," she cried before Simon held her in his arms as they both cried.

"Baby I'm so sorry," Simon cried as he held onto her tightly

"It's not your fault it's all mine, I screwed up and my baby paid the price," she cried.

"No, it's not your fault please just stop blaming yourself, you took care of him as if your life depended on him, god took him for a reason, it's not your fault," he explained as he wiped her tears before he pecked her lips.

She ended up falling asleep from a headache she had gotten from all the crying she had done for the past week. He continuously rubbed circles on her head as she slept peacefully on his lap.

It was the first time he had seen her sleep in days. Usually she would stay awake praying or crying. He got up and put a pillow under her head before bringing a blanket and throwing it over her. He sat on the floor as he threw his head back before he started crying. He had been trying to stay strong for the sake of Adele. He just couldn't believe it was happening all over again.

The same thing had happened to his ex a couple of years ago when he had got her pregnant. Their daughter was born stillborn and both him and his ex wife began falling apart. It all started when she had become overcome with sadness and would stay in bed for days without getting out only to go to the restroom.

Seeing her like that caused him great pain but he always hid it. It wasn't until his ex was taken to therapy when she became the same person of before. The few months after her therapy they had never been happier until she found someone who she claimed was much better than Simon which had caused them to divorce.

Simon was so afraid of losing Adele the same way he lost his ex. He was sure Adele was love of his life and he wanted to grow old with her. He feared he would be left alone again.
"Hey," she sadly said as she hugged Simon.

"Hey Laura come in," he said as he let her go.

"Thanks," she mumbled back as she set her purse down on a table by the entrance.

She walked towards the sofa where Adele sat drinking a cup of tea staring out of the window.

"Adele babe," Laura whispered as she sat down next to her. She just looked at her with tired eyes before looking outside again.

"How are you," she asked.

"I don't know," she said as her voice cracked before Laura wrapped her arms around her as she began crying.

"Adele, please babe it's not your fault, don't ever think this was your fault because it wasn't I love you so much and I can't stand seeing you like this," Laura whispered into her ear as she held her tightly.

"But it is my fault Laura, I did something wrong I know I did," she said.

"You didn't do anything wrong, didn't the doctor tell you billions of times the baby was healthy," Laura said as Adele just continued crying.

"Look at me," Laura said as she held her friends face up.

"You didn't do anything wrong," she repeated before hugging her again.

"Come on wipe your tears, here," Laura said as she handed her a box of tissues.

"I love you Laura," she said as she blew her nose which caused Laura to smile slightly.

"I need you to get dressed I'm taking you somewhere," Laura said as she lead her to her bedroom.

"Laura I don't think that's a good idea," she said as Laura sat her on the bed and began looking through the closet to find one of Adele's favorite outfits.

"Here put this on," she said as she handed her a black v neck with some black tights.

"Change your underwear too," Laura laughed as Adele sadly smiled before she went through a drawer and took out some under garments.
She parked the car and let Adele to the shore.

"Why did we come here?" she asked.

"Because you love the ocean, now listen to the sound of the waves and take in the smell of the water," Laura instructed as she held her best friend's hand.

She let the waves crash onto her feet which sent goosebumps through her body from how cold it was.

"That was very cold," she noted.

"Look at that, do you see that?" Laura asked as she looked down at the ground to pick up a sea shell.

"It's very pretty," she said as Laura handed it to her.

"Just like you," Laura said as Adele smiled at her.

This chapter is probably so stupid, anyway thanks for reading don't forget to vote and comment I really appreciate y'all's votes and comments ❤️
- Ney 🤩

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