Chapter 25

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She brought the tea cup up to her mouth before taking a sip.

"How did you know to take the tests?" Simon asked as the waitress had came to their table to refill Simon's coffee cup.

"I just felt it, I didn't feel normal, it was the same feeling I had when I found out I was pregnant with James," she said.

"I can't wait to find out if it's a boy or a girl," Simon said.

"I honestly don't care what it is, as long as he or she is healthy," she said.

"I think the same but I kind of want a girl," Simon said.

"Why?" she said slightly laughing.

"I would love to have a mini you running around the house," Simon laughed.

"If we had a boy it would be the same thing," she said.

"No it wouldn't be would probably look like me," Simon said.

"Probably, or maybe it would look more like me," she smiled.

"You wish, but this baby is going to look like me," he laughed.
She laid on the sofa curled up in almost a ball with her hands protectively over her tummy. Simon closed the front door and put his keys up before taking off his shoes and taking off his coat.

He walked into the living room and kissed her forehead before grabbing a blanket from the guest bedroom. He put it over her before tucking some strands of her hair behind her ear.

"Baby, I'm home," Simon said as she began to slightly open her eyes.

"Hi," she simply replied smiling before reaching out to peck his lips before she closed her eyes again.

"Are you tired?" he asked.

"A little, but it's fine," she smiled still with her eyes closed.

"Do you want to go up to the bedroom," he asked.

"No, I'm fine here," she said yawning as Simon smiled at her before heading into the kitchen.

He made grilled chicken breasts before he began making a Greek salad. He cut up some cucumbers and put them into a bowl before adding some red and yellow peppers and then adding cherry tomatoes and onions to then top the salad off with some feta cheese and olives.

He then began making the vinaigrette dressing before Adele walked into the kitchen.

"What are you doing?" she asked laughing as she turned on the faucet.

"Cooking for my two loves," he smiled as he pulled her into a hug and put his hand over her tummy.

"You've been in such an amazing mood lately, what's up with that?" she asked as she dried her hands before mixing the vinaigrette for Simon.

"I'm just excited, although I know we aren't going to see the baby for 8 more months," he said.

"He or she will be here before you know it, don't worry about it," she laughed before pecking his lips.

"I know," he said as he poured the vinaigrette onto the salad.

"That looks super yummy, I missed your cooking," she said as she rubbed his arm.

"I always assumed you hated my food, I'm not the best at it," he laughed.

"Oh no, babe, your food is amazing," she said reassuringly.

"Well that's nice to hear, especially coming from you," he said as he served the food on the dishes.

"Do you need help?" she asked.

"No, c'mon go sit down," he smiled as she giggled before sitting down at the table.

He set the plates down before popping the cork off a bottle of wine.

"Simon, I can't drink," she said as he served he wine in a glass.

"Oh this wasn't for you baby, I know you can't drink it was for me I got you some water," he said mockingly.

"You're just tempting me now," she laughed as she took her fork and knife and cut into the chicken breast.

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