Chapter Three

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"Be careful who you trust, the devil was once an angel." Unknown

Hamads pov

Today was suppose to be my cousins wedding, not knowing all along that i am gonna be the husband. Like what the hell! We're in the 21st century, who the hell does that?

I swear I didn't want to come to this wedding, but my mum forced me. I can't say no to her, I love her too much to turn her down. She has been very supportive since my dad passed away, she has been the father and mother figure in our lives. Me and my younger brother Faisal. My dad died when Faisal was 5 years old and I was 11, bro my mum tried wallah. May Allah bless her and grant her Jannah.

My mum was the one who told me about the last minute arranged marriage, she was like " Hamad zo kaji(come and hear)" I went to her, I swear I thought she brought food to me. But NO!

"Ummi na'am(yes mum)" I reply when I was 2 feet away from her.

"Aisha is suppose to get married today, but the husband called off the wedding for some unknown reason." She starts. "Subahanallah." I muttered.

"We just finish talking with Aisha's dad, and he suggest that you should marry her. I mean Hamad you are not getting any younger either, it is about time you settle down, you're 27 almost 28 in fact almost 30. You should have gotten married by now." She look straight into my black eyes just like hers.

Imagine from 27 to 30, smh!

Lord of heavens! What is happening? I don't get anything she's saying. Aisha and me?



That's not gonna happen!

"Your dad would have wanted you to marry your cousin, and Aisha is a well mannered, religious, kind and caring girl, just like the girl you'd love to marry right?" She asks me. "No Ummi, Aisha's the exact oppsi..."

"Don't say that Hamad." she cut me mid-sentence.

"Ummi I barely know her, even though she's my cousin. We're totally opposite, please don't force me. Please." I desperately want her to understand my point. "Opposite attraction, It happens don't you think?" Ummi asks.

What is wrong with her?

"Ummi pleas..." She cut me off again.

"Hamad dan Allah, do it for me. What do you want me to tell Alhaji Bilal? Huh? He called he personally and asked, I can't turn him down now can I? After all he has done to us, we owe him don't you think? Please Hamad for me! For your Ummi." She literally beg, oh goodness i don't think my mum has ever begged me like that in my whole life.

What should I do? I don't like any girl, girls are not in my agenda. I'm not ready for any type of relationship, what's the use when at last they'll leave you!

My dad left me as well!

And Aisha?

She's definitely not my type; not that I have any in mind. But we're exactly opposite, she likes taking I hate talking, she's too loud for my liking. Ugh you get the point, honestly I don't wanna marry her. And I can't say no to my mum, not after she begged me for the first time.

"Alright Ummi, anything for you. Allah yasa shi yafi Alkhairi." I whispered.

"Hamad, thank you my son. Ameen. May Allah bless your union." She hug me, I hugged her back and murmured 'Ameen'.

So yup! I'm a married man now. With my wife Aisha. Pfffffff

My brother isn't even present on my wedding day, just great.

I kinda feel sorry for her, why'd her husband to be, well ex now ditched her? Is it her fault? Has she done anything that pissed him off? If yes, what has she done to the extent that he'll call off the wedding, on the freaking wedding day? Too many questions.

I just hope i am making the best decision.

It is time for us to leave, I mean me and my wife. Wife? Whoa! Gotta get used to it.

I have a small duplex apartment close to my mums house in Maitama, Abuja. Maybe 6-7 minutes drive. We'll be going there with Aisha as it is our house now. Men 'our' since when? Since now that i am married to her.


She's coming downstairs with the help of her mum and sister, she's now wearing laffaya. It looks like she has been crying, well I won't blame her.

1. She's leaving her parents and siblings.

2. Her ex husband to be called off their wedding at the last minute.

I guess she has every right to cry.

Her mum took my hand and intertwine it with her daughters before whispering; "Please take good care of her." her voice cracked a bit.

I won't promise you that, I don't know if I can. "I'll in shaa Allah, I'll try." I said.

"Thank you, may Allah bless you all." Aunty Hadiza says, now tears streaming down her cheeks with full force, so is her daughter my wife.

Her brother walk up to her and engulf her in a hug, both of them crying. Aww cute!

Aisha bade her family one last time, before coming towards me. I led her to where I parked my Mercedes GLK 500, and open the passengers door for her, when she entered I close the door walk to the drivers side and did the same. I started the car the it roared to life lol.!

I love my car.

From Aishas house to mine is approximately 20mins, and she has been crying since she entered the car.

Allah sarki!

I just hope everything will be fine.

*** *** ***

A/N hey cupcakes! I love cupcakes lol.

How's the chapter, please tell me how's the book going so far?!

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