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"And worship your Lord, until there comes unto you the certainty[i.e death]." Quran; 15:99

Aishas pov

Ya Allah!

"Marwan!" I yell, the little four year old came running from the stairs, "What did i say about running on the stairs?" I shake my head.

"But Uncle Faisal said i can do it." My son says, sitting on the dinning table chair, opposite me.

"And i said, you can't." I frown at him, he almost broke his leg three months ago. "Sorry mummy." He pouts.

I smile at him, he is so cheeky, almost like his dad but in a way i see myself in him, "Care to explain this?" I gestured to the floor, where his toys and building blocks are littered, Halsey almost trip on them earlier.

He grin cheekily, exposing his perfectly set of milk teeth before he starts giggling, holding his stomach in a very dramatic way, i only stare at him, he is super cute Masha Allah and at the same time super naughty; "Mama it wasn't me, it was Jasmine, you see I'm a big boy yeah? I don't play with toys now, i play football." And he kick his leg in the air.

I chuckle at him, you can never get angry at him, "No Marwan, Jasmine is a baby, she can't do that, and remember lying is haram."

He looks at me before coming close to me, wrapping his tiny arms around my neck; "Okay, i did it, but don't tell Uncle Faisal i still play with toys 'k?" He whispers in my ears, wetting my ear with his saliva, "Eww my son, give me that tissue." He giggle, and hand me the tissue, i wipe my ear.

"Your secret is safe baby." I kiss his cheeks, "You call daddy that." He kiss my cheeks too and my eyes widened.

"Wha-" I am interrupted by a cry of a baby, my 5 months old baby girl, Jasmine. "I'll go to her." Marwan says and starts running, "No running Mukhtar." I sigh.

This child.

I couldn't ask for a better son tho, he might be naughty and stubborn but who isn't? We went through a lot the past four years, the ups and downs, the fights, the yelling, you just name it. There was a time when i even left Hamads house, Marwan was just a year old, we had a huge fight, and he didn't even bother to explain to me what actually happened and he said and i quote; "I don't care what you think of me anymore, i am tired of explaining myself, believe whatever you want and i won't even stop you from going back to your parents house, i need my house to myself too..and oh take your son with you." I broke down, pack our bags and leave the house, it was after almost 3 weeks that he bothered to come, and apologize, of course i didn't forgive him immediately, but i did eventually, after a month of been separated we reunite once again, and i am happy with where i am now, i am content. My family of four, Jasmine is five months old, very beautiful and luckily there weren't any complications in her pregnancy and delivery, we were very excited. Alhamdulillah.

Life is good, but not perfect.

"What are you thinking so hard about?" My husband asks, as he came out of the kitchen. Since when did he come down?

"You know, just the past." I smile at him, he sigh, coming close to me, "The past is in the past, don't dwell on it, my love." He pecks my lips, and i giggle.

"You're quoting Elsa now." I laugh, he groan with a laugh too, "Don't blame me, blame that son of ours, i don't even get it, he is a boy he shouldn't like Frozen."

"But he does, and we've watched it like a million times." I said, "Tell me about it."

"He is amazing tho." He added, i nod my head at him, "So are you." I wink at him and kiss him.

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