Chapter Nine

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"You're not too old, and it's not too late, don't let people rush you with their timelines." Malika

Hamads pov

With the way things are going smoothly in our relationship, i couldn't be more thankful to my Lord.

"Hamad, where is the shirt? I've been looking for it for the past 10 mins." My wife, Aisha says from the closet, she is still uncomfortable around me, not that it bothers me that much.

It does.

Okay, may be a little.

"Which shirt?" I ask, she huff and emerge out of the closet, "The black and blue checkered one i told you about." She roll her eyes.

"I have no idea." I smile and she walk back in the closet.

I am replying my emails, work related. That's literally what i have been doing lately, at least it'll be easier when i go to the office.

My phone start ringing, halting me in my work, it's my friend, "Hello! Adnan, how are you!?" I said immediately when i pick the call, "Hamadu, I'm fine man, wbu?" He asks, you can easily detect a smile from his voice.

I roll my eyes, "Not that name, for the millionth time, and I'm fine too thanks." He laughs, "Whatever, so i called to you tell you about the opening of our new branch, it's tomorrow."

The company Adnan is working at is opening a new branch, which i find super impressive. "That's great man, I'm so proud of you." I tell him, he chuckle a bit, "Thanks, but all the credit goes to my boss." He says. "Well..I'm giving you the credit."

My wife walks out of the closet and out of the room.

"Thank you man." He says and we continue talking about everything and nothing, he told me about his married life, advising me about what to do and what not to do. Ladies and gentlemen he is the best friend you all need in your life.

We hung up when his wife entered their room, he says, "My wife's here and she needs my attention." And with that he hung up, i laugh.

I continue my work, I'm almost done after all.


"Come down and eat, Hamad." My wife says, i smile at her.

I stood up from my sitting position and intertwine our hands, she looks at it and smile as we descend down the stairs.

We both sat quietly on the dining table and eat our food.

"Aisha the food is delicious, thank you." She giggle and i find my self smiling, she's amazing.

"Don't thank me, it's my duty." She smiled at me, "I appreciate, lets watch something." I suggest, she nods her head and start clearing the table, i help her and soon we're sitting in the the living, on the couch, watching, 'the boy who cried werewolf'.

Aisha picked the movie, it's interesting but honestly? Not to me, i find her more interesting than the movie, we continue watching the boring movie.

"I miss my family." Aisha speak softly after almost 40 mins, since we finished watching that movie.

I smile at her, "Aw, I'm sure they miss you too."

She scoff, "Exclude my brother, seems like he doesn't actually."

I laugh, "He does, I'm sure.

"Well.. I don't miss him too, I miss my parents and sister." Aisha says.

"We can always go visit them if you want." I tell her, her eyes instantly lit up, grinning from ear to ear, "Wait.. did you think i won't let you go?" I ask her.

She chuckle nervously, "Well.. no, i wasn't sure, so i was a bit scared to ask for your permission."

I sigh in annoyance, i know since the day i yelled at her shes been so cautious of me.

That was my greatest mistake of all time.

"Ya Allah! Aisha i don't want you to be ever scared of me, I don't want you to ever hesitate in talking to me, please. I know it's my fault, my mistake and i apologize, I'm sorry." She has been shaking her head since i start talking. "No, Hamad it's not like that, you don't need to apologize."

I cup her face, "No, i have to, i want you to know that i mean no harm, and i swear to the Almighty I'll treat you like a queen." She smiles, i caress her cheeks with my thumbs and kiss her forehead.

"Thank you Hamad, and I'm sorry for doubting you, but we all know it'll take time." She says.

"Don't apologize for doubting me, i made you think of me like that. And yes i know it'll take time, i promise to be with you no matter how much time it will take." I tell her, she smiled at me.

And that's how we spent the rest of the day.

The next day, we went to the opening of Adnans new company, it's actually the first time we went out as a couple.



Hey! How are you all?

Love you all, pls vote and comment.

This is acc a new 'chapter 9' the one i wrote few months ago, disappeared, I've no idea what happened. I hope this will never happen again.

Thank you.


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