Chapter Four

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Aishas pov

We arrive at our house after what felt like forever.

Hamad led us in once again, the house is beautiful not too big nor too small, average for a newly wed couple. We entered the living room and by the left side of it, it is the dinning room, then kitchen adjacent to the dinning room. There are two guest rooms here downstairs with 3bathrooms. We then both walk upstairs, there's another living room but smaller than the one downstairs. With three bedrooms and the decor is so simple yet elegant, if you ask me this is exactly what I'd want my house to look like. I like it.

No I love it.

Hamad gave me tour before showing me my room, which he said is opposite his. I guess he doesn't want us in the same room!

The room is big from the queen sized bed to the walk-in-closet to the balcony to the bathroom, everything is breathtaking.

I just then realize that my cloths are here, everything that I've packed are here. Well, thank you!. I heard a faint knock on my door, then Hamad came in.

"Come let's pray nafl, go perform wudhu." he says. Wow!

Deep voice, I nod before entering the bathroom.

I walk out of the bathroom and saw him, spreading two prayer mat. I take my hijab from one of my luggage and wore. We stood together, well he is taller than me.

"Allahu Akhbar." he started. And I swear my heart started beating rapidly, his voice while reciting the book of Allah is so Masha Allah.

We finished praying two rakaa'at and thank Allah for this wedding, and may He guide us to the straight path. Ameen.

At least one of my wish is fulfilled, I've always wanted to pray with my husband on our wedding day!

"If you need anything, i am in the opposite room, or call Halsey my maid she's downstairs in the maids room ok?" He stated rather rudely. "Alright thank you!" I whispered, honestly i am in no mood to talk.

"Goodnight." he says with a small smile at me. I can't say if it is fake or genuine cause I don't care no more. He then left the room.

I change into my comfy PJs, pajama pants and baggy shirt, so comfy. I then decide to unpack my cloths and put them inside the closet, after almost an hour I was done and tired, I check the time it's 11:35pm almost midnight.

I am thirsty, and so i walk down the stairs to drink water. I cover my hair with the first scarf i saw in my made up closet and went off.

I walk in the kitchen, open the fridge and took a bottle of cold water, i gulp it down in one go. Whoa cold water is heaven!

I turn on my hells to go back to my room and sleep, today was one hell of a day.

And just then I saw Hamad standing at the entrance; "What are doing?" He questions, bro are you blind?

"I'm thirsty came down to drink water." I said. "I see you're already getting comfortable here in my house." he stated rather calmly.

What the heck!

"W-what ddo you meaan?" I ask with a stutter and I hate it.

"Shut up! Don't you dare play this stupid games with me, this was all your setup wasn't it? You planned this? YOU WANTED IT ALL ALONG? RIGHT?! ANSWER ME."He yelled at the top of his lungs hot tears start flowing down my cheeks.

"No w-why'd i- I?" I spoke after I find my voice.

"You're sick." he says disgustingly. What have I done? How is it my fault? Why me? Ya Allah! Help me. "I sw-wear..."

"Save it." he cut me mid sentence, "you're so gonna regret it, i promise you. Mark my words." He added and then left.

I couldn't walk, what is happening to me? Ya RabillAlameen please help me through this. I fell on the cold tiled kitchen and cried my heart out. why is this happening to me? Can't I be happy? Ain't I worthy of being happy? Am I that ugly or bad that at the very first 3 hours of us being together in our house he'll yell at me? Why? What have I ever done to him?

Shouldn't I be the angry one? I am the one whose husband ditched her on the dime minute for the love of God! But I guess i am wrong to think that things will work out between us. We both were forced into this marriage right?

Wallah i still love Sualaiman. Astagfurillah. I shouldn't be thinking of any man, since i am a married woman now. But I can't help it, I love him, so much. 7years! He taught me how to love. He taught me a lot of things including educational, he was the one that taught me how to recite suratul Yaseen!

I wipe my tears but to no avail, cause lots are streaming down like waterfall. I remembered one time, when we went out on a date to watch a movie and afterwards we ate ice cream.

"Sulaiman i want chocolate flavour please." I whine like the baby i am to him.

"No baby, change into something that isn't dark. Maybe vanilla or mint or even strawberry," he says smiling at me. "Sulaim!!" I warned him, when he ordered two cups of vanilla his favorite flavour. But i am not allowed to take my fav.

"Selfish now are we?" I said. "No Aysha, it's love." He says and it warmed my heart for unknown reason. "I love you" he add.

"I love you too." I assure him. "Promise you won't ever leave me." I said with crack voice.

"Baby I won't leave you. Not even for the world, I love you and we'll get married soon Aysha. You're mine. Why'd you even think I'll ever leave you? Please don't ever think like that." He utters seriously. I nod while smiling at him. And we ate our ice cream, laughed and took pictures.

Lies. Freaking lies, I thought.

An involuntary smile grace my lips, due to the memory, but my body is shaking due to the sobs.

And that's how i slept on the cold floor, on my first wedding day.


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