Chapter Seventeen

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"And we created you in pairs.." Qur'an

Hamads pov

It will work.

It won't work.

She won't like it.

How will she react?

Will she say it back?

Heck! Does she even feel the same?

I am so damn confuse, ugh. I rake my fingers through my hair and continue pacing our room, Aisha's in the bathroom taking a shower.

Man up, dude.

Today is Friday 19th June, 2018. And it's 8:25pm now, do you know what it means? That in the next 3hours 40mins it'll be the 20th, you know, Our six month anniversary. So? Duh, who the hell celebrates their six months anniversary? Smh!

I do! and i will.

I will use it as an opportunity to confess my feelings, and ladies like surprises right? So yeah that's a plus.

I'm gonna organize a surprise dinner date, and then confess my undying love to her i hope she won't freak out, and hopefully she con-

"What are you thinking about?" Aisha asks folding her arms, when did she come out?

"Huh." I voice out, why the hell am i nervous?

"Hamad, what is it? You know, you can share everything with me right?" She says coming to where i am standing and drag me to sit on the bed with her beside me.

I know i am kinda overreacting but hey! Don't blame me, it's the first time that i am gonna confess my love to a girl.

I rest my head on her shoulder while holding her hand, ever heard of 'enjoy while it lasts' okay yes! She caress my cheek and whisper "It's gonna be fine, in shaa Allah." In shaa Allah.

** *** ***

I didn't sleep after we prayed fajr together, how can i? I recited the Qur'an and after two hours of lying more like tossing and turning on the bed I sat up, Aisha is still asleep.

I couldn't tear my eyes off her, how can someone be this beautiful even asleep? She's literally glowing i lean and kiss her forehead. I stood up and walk towards the couch in our room and pick my phone to check the time, it is 10:47am.

Aisha will be up in approximately 1hour or less, I can still make her breakfast and bring it to her, before she wakes up. I wanna surprise her with breakfast in bed, she likes it. She always talks about it, I couldn't make her one because i use to go to office. Or you're being lazy, pff.

I exit our room ever so carefully after brushing my teeth. I walk downstairs and saw Halsey in the kitchen already i clear my throat to make my presence known to her, she seems so engross in whatever she is listening through her earphones she flinched and turn around to see who startled her.

"Good morning sir, you're up early today." Halsey says, her hand on her chest, maybe to steady her heartbeat. "Good morning to you too, yes i wanna make Aisha breakfast today." I reply with a smile.

"Aw that's so sweet of you, what's the occasion though, her birthday?" She asks curiously, I narrow my eyes at her, she gasp and add, "If you don't mind me asking." I chuckle.

"Our six month anniversary." I pick up the apron from the drawer and wore it.

"Oh wow! Congratulation. More happiness." She said, sounding genuinely happy. I smiled and said, "So take today off."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes." She smile and thank me, she's nice. She exited the house and i start cooking my wifes breakfast.

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