5.2K 354 10

I'm so sorry, too many authors note huh? I can't help it. Sorry.

I just want to thank you guys, and i am sure it'll never be enough, you people are amazing, I love you all.

Can you believe we've reached 2k+ readers?💃🏽 by Allah I cannot believe it😭❤️ y'all are awesome and from the bottom of my heart I appreciate each and everyone of you ;) Thank you so much, may Allah protect you all and grant us all Jannah, Ameen xx.

I'm gonna mention some people, please don't be offended if I didn't mention you, you should just know that, deep inside my heart i know about you and I love you😻 xx

abyeesha @deejahali @ameena01 @abdoolfatyy @saadaturh @aishaharike ❤️


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