Chater Eighteen

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"Never trust anyone, not even your close ones." Unknown

Aishas pov

I can't believe what happened last night, Hamad is super romantic and amazing i never imagined our six month anniversary would turn out to be like that, like.. ugh— I'm blessed to have him as a life partner, May the Almighty continue to bless him, Ameen.

I love the necklace the most, gosh.

"Aisha?!" Hamad called from the closet.

He is getting ready for the second annual meeting of all the CEO's in this state the organizer is dead mad how would the meeting be on a Saturday? it's suppose to be a free- work day and my husband needs to relax, but no it has to be on a Saturday.

"Yes, bubbles!" I replied and head towards the closet.

"Which one do think is more professional? The black suit or the grey one?" He asks.

"The black one."

"I thought as much."

"You will look good in both though." I said with a smile, he smiled back and kiss my forehead.

"Good morning beautiful!" He greeted and caress my cheek. "Morning handsome."

"Hey! That's my line." He pouts, seriously he is acting like a girl.

I chuckle and peck his lips.

"Hamad, please do come back immediately after the meeting we barely spend time together now." I whine and he chuckle a bit.

"In shaa Allah baby girl i will be back soon and stop being a baby." He says and circle his arms around my waist.

We stayed like that for almost 3mins till he pulled away, murmuring something like he won't be able to go to the meeting if he stayed another minute like that, I smiled inwardly.

I walk out of the closet and walk downstairs to check if his breakfast is ready yet i walk in to the kitchen and saw Halsey already setting the table.

"Good morning ma'am." She greeted immediately when she saw me, I smiled and said. "Morning Halsey, how was your night?"

"It was good, thank you for asking."

"Glad. I see, you've finished breakfast already." I gesture to the table, "Yes, I knew you guys would wake up early today, you told me last night." She says with a smile.

How many times does this woman smile a day? Just how many?

"Sure you do."

After making my tea and Hamads coffee, I sat on one of the dinning chairs waiting for Hamad to come down. I wanted to check the time on my phone and i realize that i left it in the room. "Hamad can you please bring me my phone?" I yelled from where am sitting.

"Sure." He says, and in less than a minute or two he came down with his tie around his neck, untied.

"Take it." He gave the phone to me, "Sorry I yelled at you to bring my phone."

"No worries." He says with a kiss on my cheek, ain't I freaking lucky to have this guy in my life?

"Thanks, come eat your food i don't want you to be late."

Hamad sip his coffee and start eating his food, I am really not hungry so I drank my tea and start replying my messages on social media. I even saw Faisals message via sms that he'll be coming over later in shaa Allah i type a quick reply saying I can't wait and shutting my phone after watching a video on instagram about how mean Khloe and Kim are to Kourtney, like I don't get why they're insulting her? I honestly like all of them but I think i am reconsidering, Kourtney Kardashian just want to be the perfect mother for her kids and they have a problem with that?? Man I don't get them. "Why do you think Khloe and Kim are rude to Kourtney?" I ask Hamad.

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