Chapter Eight

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"Never give up hope in the mercy of Allah, Truly no one despairs of Allahs Mercy except those who have no faith." Quran 12:87

Aishas pov

After Hamad left, I continue cooking, I am cooking dinner. Halsey told me that she wants to visit her Aunt and she'll be back tomorrow, that's why i am in the kitchen cooking dinner for my husband. Well I actually don't mind at all, cause I kinda like cooking and I know how to cook. My mum always use to call me and Sumayya whenever she's cooking and if we're less busy so we'll see what she's doing.

After i am done with the pasta I turned it off, and set the table. And just then my phone start ringing, it is my mum, aw I miss her!

"Hello mummy na." I said immediately after I pick the call she chuckles;
"Baby Aisha how are you?" She asks. "I'm good mum and you?"
"We're all Fine Alhamdulillah. How's your husband?"

"He is good too, are you guys missing me." I feel like crying.

"Nope we're not, in fact we're having the best times of our life lil sis." I hear Hisham says, guess the phone is on speaker.
"Bro! When I asked Mama that question I meant the people in my house not the ones whom were adopted." I said emphasizing 'my house'
I could hear him gasp, he is such a drama queen, my dads laughing hard now and I can't help but laugh as well.

I miss them.

"Sis you'll pay for this." He huff, I can tell that he is trying to stifle his laughter too.

"You two keep quiet." My mum says with an amused voice.

"Mum how's Summy?" I enquire about my elder sister. "She travelled to kano yesterday with Hanif, but they'll come back tomorrow in shaa Allah." Says my mum. Whoa just three weeks of me been married and i am not knowing things about my family.

Hanif is my sisters husband. "Ohh Allah dawo dasu lafia.''

"Ameen, my regards to your husband. I gotta go and cook now." She says and hung up. I place the phone down on the sofa I am sitting. Just then did I notice that my husband is also in the living room standing-leaning on the window.

Rabbul Ka'abah! He looks well- not bad, and that is only because he is wearing red polo shirt, yup my favorite, the guys seems to have fashion sense, well that guy?! he is your husband.

Husband, i now like the sound of it.

"Like what you see." He shove his hand in his jeans pocket, smirk and came closer to me.

"Don't flatter yourself." I roll my eyes and I didn't know why I did. He kept coming closer to me, and he is making nervous and uncomfortable not to mention how my heartbeat increased rapidly.

He came and stood in front of me just a feet away from me, and that's when his cologne hit me he smell nice,

What is wrong with me? He lean close to me, till we're an inch away.

I look up and find him already staring at me, I stared back at his shiny black orbs, we kept staring at each other till he averted his gaze, breaking the staring spell.

He leans in more as if he is going to hug me, this Hamad has no shame i see,

Nothing happen though, I open my eyes to find him looking at me with an amused face. Now what? Ya Allah! He lean back and i let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. He move towards the main door,

Can i die out of embarrassment, please?!

"I love the effect I have on you." He says with a wink, what-? What just happened? "I'll be going to the mosque." He add.

"Safe." That's the only thing I could mutter. "Don't forget to lock the door, take care." I only nod. When he left I went and lock the door before returning to the sofa.

"I love the effect I have on you"

What the hell?

What does that suppose to mean? Men I am so embarrassed. Ugh!

Don't be he is your husband.

Husband? Yeah right!

I stood up, walk upstairs to my room, performed ablution and prayed Maghbib. After I finished praying salah, I prayed for my familys health and happiness. I then prayed for my husbands safety and a wonderful future for us. Things are going smooth now.

Real smooth

I Hope it stays like this, Ameen.

I stood up and just then I hear the doorbell, it must be Hamad. But don't he have the house key? I went down and open the door welcoming him, He said Salam and i replied. "It is warm in here." He says when he sat down on the dining table chair.

"Yeah, should I on the air conditioning?" I ask. "No, no I'm cold right now." he utters almost shivering.

"Oh, would you like some hot tea then?"

He gave a look as if saying 'are you okay at all?'

"What? It'll help with the cold." I roll my eyes at him.

"Do you know what else will help?" He smirk, lord.

"No, wha-" I just realized what he meant. Shameless boy! He just laughed

"Shut up" I glare at him. "You're my wife, so why are you still covering your hair in front of me. Am i not your mahram now?" He asks, his expression drastically changing from the playful one to serious.

"I'm just erm.. You know..just" he cut me off,

"You're still uncomfortable around me right?" He asks. Yes I am! I wanted to say.

"No, no..t at..all." I laughed nervously.

"Then why did you stutter?"

"What? I did not. I mean yes..I di..dn't." He chuckle and said. "I understand if you're not yet comfortable around me. It'll take time for us to get used to each other, right?" He asks again.

"Right." I said and I swear I saw a flicker of hurt in his eyes, or maybe i am imagining things.

He smiled and ushered; "Lets eat dinner." I compile and we both sit opposite each other on the dining table. He starts munching his food, while me on the other hand just played with my fork. "The foods delicious wifey." He says with a wink I smile and said "Thank you."

I've been staring at him, from the way he's eating to the way he'll pause and dab tissue across his lips very gentlemanly. He is so dreamy.. "Staring is rude Aisha." He says and my heart pick its beat cause i think this is the first time he called my name. I want to die out of embarrassment. I just busied my self and start eating, and that was when he erupted with laugher. I felt butterflies in my stomach, tingles. I've been experiencing them lately.

Something I've never experienced with Sulaiman.

Ya Rab!

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