Chapter Fourty

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The prophet peace be upon Him said; "The most helpless person is the one who doesn't make Du'a." Sahih al- jami, No; 1055.

"If you have the time to worry, you have the time to make du'a." Unknown

Hamads pov

"It's been a while since we all hung out like this." Faisal says, "I second that." Sumayyah chirp in.

We are having lunch at one of the newest restaurant in town, almost all of us, it's so nice to have everyone around, my wife's sitting opposite me with her brother beside her by the left and my brother beside her by the right.

"We should hang out like this more often." Hanif murmur beside his wife, their daughter on his laps.

"Can we stop talking about hanging out, and actually hang out and eat our food." Aisha exclaim, wallahi she eats a lot. "Alright Mss drama, you've turn into a foodie lately." Faisal said to her, i had to glare at him for calling her a foodie, who knows he might ruin her mood.

"Mrs not Mss brother in law, and oh my God we're on the same page then since you eat a lot too." My wife tell my brother with a smack, we all laugh.

"Whatever, lets eat." Faisal says.

We eat our food quietly, with just a few words here and there.

"Sultana is on her way." Says Hanif when he hung up his phone, i reflexly look at Hisham, he looks unbothered but i know better.

"Oh! I can't wait to see her, its been a while since i met her." Aisha says with a small smile, i smile at her.

After some minutes, "Mamamama..." Manal voice out before she start crying. "Oh my baby, what's wrong now?" Summy asks while picking up the baby from the father, the daughter continue crying not even after the mum rocked her back and forth.

"Baby Nali what is it?" Hanif asks his daughter and caress her cheeks, she didn't stop crying if it's possible her wail got even more louder, "I'll be right back, i think she's hungry." Sumayyah said and walk out of the place, Hanif huff out an exaggerated sigh.

"Manal cries a lot lately wallah." He says to no one in particular, Faisal chuckle and mimic Hanif, "Babies are a blessing, isn't that what you said." I laugh at that, Aisha giggle too.

"Please bro don't ever imitate peoples voice." Hisham says amusedly.

"Shattap Hishamuu." Replied Faisal.

"They are Faisal, just not when they cry." Hanif says while rolling his eyes.

"She's adorable tho, Masha Allah." I said, "high five." My wife said and we high five(d) each other. "Let me go to them." Says Hanif and he stood up and leave.

Hisham burst out laughing, "That was what he wanted to do since, he was just making up excuses about how she cries a lot."

"I noticed too, whipped man." Faisal says with a chuckle.

That reminds me.

"Babe about the 'day care' you told me, are you still considering it?" I ask my wife, she once told me that she wants to open a day care, i think it's a good idea.

She took a bite of her steak, "Yea! About that, i think I'm reconsidering."

Faisal and Hisham are all quietly using their phones.

"Why tho, i think it's good." I tell her, she keeps quite for a while before replying, "Baby I'm not sure, I'll think about it." I smile at her, "You should, i personally think it's a good idea, and i know you'll do good."

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