Chapter Thirty Eight

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"He who believes in Allah and the last day must either speak good or remain silent." Prophet Muhammad {peace be upon him}, (Al Bukhari and Muslim)

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Happiness is literally the only emotion I've been feeling lately.

Happiness is when you forget about everything, the tensions, and start living the moment and that too with the most priceless human.

Happiness is when you can finally do what your heart wants to do, pure happiness is an inner quality, it is a state of mind, if your mind is at peace and your family is proud of you and happy, then you're the happiest human alive.

"Mr Saeed it's time for the conference." Max, my assistant says interrupting me from my thoughts.

"Oh yea, you may sit." I nod my head at him before picking the call and putting it on speaker.

We are having a conference call meeting, with almost all the CEOs in the Northern part of Nigeria.

45 minuets later we hung up the phone, we talked about business stuff, nothing really important, I'll just go back home after praying Asr.


I unlock our home with my spare keys not bothering to knock, I find my wife and Halsey in the kitchen.

"Assalamu Alaikum." I say kissing my wifes temple, she smiles, "Wa'alaikas Salaam, you're back early."

I gulp the cold water Aisha gave me now, "Welcome back sir." Halsey says, "Thank you haly."

"Aren't you happy that i am back early?" I ask my gorgeous wife who is wearing my hoodie, she shook her head with a smile and continue to stir whatever is in the pot.

"I'll go clean up my room." Halsey says, walking towards the back door, I'm sure she just thinks we need some alone time, well.. thank you.

"Alright." Aisha nod at her and with that she exited the place.

"What are you making?" I ask, sitting on the kitchen counter, "Oats, do you want some?" She asks.

"Oats in the evening?"

"What? Don't give me that look, it's totally normal." She pour the oats in a bowl, Aisha kinda eats too much now, she add weight too but she's yet to accept it. "Yea, totally normal, i know. And I'm ok, thanks."

She shrug and says, "More for me." i roll my eyes at her, she's about to leave the place when i gently drag and trap her, i lean my forehead against hers, she sigh and put her hands between my ear and hair, "I missed you." I tell her, she lightly kiss my cheeks, "I missed you more." She replies my lips automatically turn up to a genuine smile, wallah I'm thankful for her.

We stayed like that for a while with her hands still on my hair and mine caressing her back, "You need a haircut man." She says.

"Right? I thought as much too earlier." I reply her back, "You should barb it, low-cut." I nuzzle my nose on hers, "In shaa Allah, first thing tomorrow." She smiles. "My Oats getting cold, lemme go take the heaven." And with that she leaves the kitchen and into the dining room.

I move to the sink and wash my cup before moving to the dining area too.

I sit opposite my wife and start using my phone, because she said, and i quote "you don't talk or make any sound when eating." And trust me guys we're living with that rule in this house, I scroll through my social medias, I'm not really active I'm mostly busy and i barely have time to check 'em and i use it when I'm free. Or when your wife's eating.

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