Chapter Eleven

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"Women of purity are of men of purity, and men of purity are of women of purity." (Qur'an 24:26)

Hamads pov

My wife is gorgeous Masha Allah.

I've been staring at her for almost 30 minutes, she's fast asleep so i took the opportunity, cause if she's awake she'd definitely complain that "Staring is rude" and blah blah blah. It's almost 2 in the morning and I couldn't sleep not after the coffee i drank earlier.

We came home immediately after the ice cream-pizza session, Aishas words not mine. We were not able to go to her mums nor Adnans, my best man. And yes she's asleep now and i am just staring at her.

What Aunty Hajara did was not acceptable at all, she was childish and she did cross the line. I didn't want to interfere cause i know what she's capable of. Her daughter is almost like the mother, she lack manners and I would never marry her. Thank you Allah for giving me Aisha as my wife. There was a time when they came to our house and the Sa'ada girl hugged me in front of my mum and Faisal, to some people like her it's normal but to me it's a different story, I was embarrassed beyond words and from then i distant my self from her, not to forget she's a flirt too.

We get it, you just don't like her.

Yes I don't.

I promise my self whenever she insult Aisha again I won't keep quiet, she's taking the respect i am giving her for granted.

Let bygones be bygones.

I caress Aishas face and kiss her forehead, both eyes, nose and jaw. I love her so much, i can't wait to tell her. I wrap my arms around her waist and drift to sleep.

*** *** ***

The sound of alarm woke me up and I notice Aisha mumbling incoherent words, I move a bit and turned off the alarm and check the time, it was 20min to Fajr salah. Since we're both awake, well Aisha is half awake we can pray Tahajjud before Fajr. I walk to the bathroom, after i am done I perform ablution and went out. "Hey bubbles! Wake up lets pray Tahajjud." I shook her shoulders.

"Uh- huh leave." I chuckle, she's cute even asleep.

"Aisha we're getting late, wake up." I rub my face on hers i still have water on my face, she squeeze her face and said.

"You'll pay for it." She mumbles and I giggled, cuteness. You're whipped.

"Think about it later, now up and go do whudu." I said while clapping my hands.

"Who can have this energy and talk too much at this hour?" She whisper more to her self, but I heard anyway.

"Your husband o." I said and smile.

She came out and we prayed together, the feeling is indescribable. Alhamdulillah .

After we finished our four rakha'as, Aisha lean her head on my shoulder. This is the perfect opportunity for me to pray for our future and happiness for at this time of the night Allah Azawajal use to come down to the lowest skies and answer His worshippers prayers and see who sacrificed his/her sleep to pray to Allah. Allah is indeed the most merciful and most giving. Allahu Akbar!

"Ya Allah i beg you to please guide us to the straight path, forgive and protect us from all evil. Ya Allah grant us happiness and may we always be content with life, Ya RabilAlamin I thank you for blessing me with Aisha as my wife, for she will be a good mother to our kids. Ya Allah help me protect her and fulfill my responsibilities as a husband and father and please forgive us all." By the time i am done I curve my hands and we both mutter; "Ameen."

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