Chapter Six

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Aishas pov

With the way the sunlight is beaming on my face, I knew it is time to get up i faintly open my eyes adjusting them to the penetrating light rays that are striking through the curtains i snuggled in the soft duvet.

Wait, duvet?

Where am i? The last time i remember was Hamad yelling at me? And then Sulaim?


I slept on the kitchen floor right? Yes! I slept there. How comes i am here? Was I drunk that I can't remember anything that happened from me been yelled by my husband, then me been on the kitchen floor, then memories of Sulaiman, and I think I dozed off on the tiled floor. Then how am i in this comfy bed now? I rub my eyes and pick up my phone to check the time, it read 12:05pm I stretch my hand..Wait, whhhat?

12:06 now, it is almost Zhur i didn't even pray fajr. Oh lord!

I ran to the bathroom did my business and then perform ablution and rush back in the room. I prayed Fajr and ask Allah to forgive me for not praying on time. I pray for our wedding to workout please Allah help us through this together!

I am willing to give us a chance why ain't he? I wanna truly move on! I don't wanna be thinking of Sulaiman cause i am a married woman now. I wanna forget him. I pray I can.

I can, can't i?

I'm sure he has forgotten about me already! Unwillingly a tear drop out of my left eye. I quickly wipe it, because I promise my self not to cry over him again I have a husband now and he is my responsibility.

Will you ever forget him?

I'll try!!

Hopefully I will, i mean it isn't the end of the world is it?

I lazily walk to the bathroom and took a hot bubble bath, I love the bathtub of my new house. After the relaxing shower I brush my teeth, and went out and into the walk-in-closet. I dress in a floral purple maxi skirt and wore a white shirt and bring out a white scarf. I know Hamad is my mehram now and can see my hair, but things are different with us right?

I didn't bother with any make-up I just wore my perfume and walk downstairs. On the last step I saw Hamad sitting peacefully and on a phone call with whom I guess is his - Mum? Or girlfriend? Who knows?

Well- not that i care one bit.

I tip-toed to the kitchen not wanting him to notice me, he hates me doesn't he?

"Good morning ma'am." A lady in her mid-thirties greeted, I guess she's Halsey. "Good morning, I am Aisha." I said not wanting her to be calling me ma'am.

"I am Halsey Madam Aisha, and nice to finally meet you." she says with a smile on her face, she's nice, I think we'll get along well. "Thank you Halsey, please call me Aisha, and nice to meet you too." I said and smile back to her. "What do you want to eat? I made some tho." She asks, i swear I don't have appetite.

"Toast bread with hot coffee will be good, thank you." I tell her, she looked up at me and smiled, her eyes beaming with happiness, she is weird!

Hamad just came in and I flinched unknowingly, who knows what this disrespectful human is capable of: "G-good mornin-ing" I greeted him.

"Morning Aisha, how was your night?" He replies calmly as if nothing has happened. I glared at him and said "Fine." Simple yet curtly. You'll regret this.

You wanted this along? You planned it.

He said those last night i quickly ran up the stairs I don't want Halsey to see my weakness, Hamad witnessed it last night he won't ever see me cry again. Before I close the door tho Hamad grasp my wrist and prevent me from doing so.

He pull me to his chest while entering my room, he then close the door behind us.

He is literally hugging me and my tears are staining his shirt I guess he doesn't mind. I stayed in his arms I didn't hug back nor did i pulled back.

He pulled back, wipe my tears and kissed my forehead. What. The. Hell.

What does he think of me? A toy? Or what? He yelled at me last night and now he is hugging and kissing my forehead?- "I am sorry Aisha." he broke me out of my thoughts, sorry right? I am sorry too!

And just then we heard the Adhaan of Zuhr, Alhamdulillah because the situation we're in is too awkward wallah.

"Lets pray Zuhr, i have wudhu, do you?" He asks. "No! I don't." I said shortly.

He smiled and say: "Go perform ablution I'll be waiting for you." He says.

Weird! Yup he is acting weird. I nod and walk to the bathroom, did my wudhu and came out. Hamad is already spreading two prayer mats, Deja vû!

I put on my hijab and we prayed together for the second time, I feel happy after we finish praying, and no- not because I prayed with my husband but because I prayed to Allah for my familys happiness.

"Aisha i am sorry for my outburst last night, I swear I didn't know what got into me. I promise I didn't mean anything I said, I was just angry and, and overwhelmed with this wedding thingy. Wallah I wasn't ready and everything happened so so fast. I'm sorry once again, will you cooperate with me and lets give this relationship a try?" He asks all in one breath. Okay now what?

He is sorry? Does he really mean it? Or is he trying to play sick games with me again? Just give it a try and see! Duhh. My subconscious advice, i mean it won't kill to give him - us a try right?

Since he is willing to give this marriage a try why won't i? After all we both were forced into it.

"Hamad what you did last night hurt me a lot, but since you're willing to give this relationship a chance I'll too. Just promise no more yelling and harsh words." I said with crack voice, and I swear I hate it. He'll think i am so weak.


"Oh God! I promise Aisha and promise no more crying too." He says wiping my tears and I smiled.

New beginning! In shaa Allah.

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A/N hey lovelies!

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