Chapter Thirty Three

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"You will never understand, until it happens to you." Unknown

Hamads pov

"Let him in." I said.

"Yes sir." Max, my assistant said and walk out of my office, he came in and told me that my friend Adnan is here.

Max open the door of my office and Adnan came in before he close the door, "Wassup mate!" My friend says and we shake hands before he sat down on the chair opposite mine.

"Hello bro! How are you!?" I say, "I'm good thank you, how's Aisha?" He asks.

In case you're all wondering our relationship is still as it was before, the Sulaiman incident didn't change anything, Sulaiman isn't even staying with them Adnan anymore. "She's good man, Alhamdulillah, and your wife!?"

"She's good too and taken." He roll his eyes at me, wth?

"Duh! Don't i know." I face palm my self.

"No, i just want to remind, you can't make a move on her." He says playing with the abacus on my desk. "What the flip, i have a wife too, you know, who is carrying my child." I lightly smack him, he shook his head with a smile.

"My wife's pregnant too, you know?" Adnan said.

"Duh! I know."

His wife, Amina is also pregnant, she's 5 months already tho, and Aisha is just two months, its been almost 3 weeks since we found out that we're going to be parents, damn! That day was the happiest day of my life, ever since that day i started buying a lot of stuffs for my unborn child, i just cannot wait to hold him or her.

Aisha and i decide that we'll not check the gender, we want it to be a surprise to us, by Allah I'll still be over the moon with either a boy or a girl, may Allah bless them.

When I told my mum about it she cried, wallah, I'm serious she cried, she was so happy, she held Aisha in her arms for minutes before she let go of her, Alhamdulillah everyone is so happy about the pregnancy, we decide to keep it a secret for the rest of our family members.

"Earth to Hamad." Adnan snap his fingers at me, i clear my throat and said, "Its been a while since we hang out, lets go horse riding."

"It has really been a while, you know, we now have wives." He says with amusement lace in his voice and wink at me. I chuckle at him, "Sure lets go."

"Yalla, you lazy soul." He says, "Hey! I'm not lazy okay, didn't i just suggest that!?"

He slapped my hand and laugh.

We got out of my office and i told Max that i won't be coming back till tomorrow in shaa Allah.

"Yo bro! Where ya' heading too!?" Faisal suddenly appear out of nowhere and ask. "Heading to none of your business." I said and Adnan laugh.

"Sup Adnan, how's life nigga?" Faisal asks while hugging Adnan.

"Good mate, wbu!?" Replied Adnan, "I'm good too, just tired."

"Yea, and you're staying here to finish your work." I tell Faisal, who in return glare at me.


"Buzzkill" Faisal and Adnan said at the same time and they burst out laughing, kids. I roll my eyes at them, "Faisal back to work, Adnan lets go." I drape my arms around Adnans shoulder and lead him out.

"I'm buying a new car." Adnan said when we settle in my car.

"Really! When!?" I ask while driving out of the neighborhood. "Probably end of this month, I'm not sure tho."

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