Chapter Twenty Three

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"I know Love isn't easy and I might mess it up sometimes. I'm not easy to love, but trust me; I love really hard when I fall for someone and now you happen to be that someone." Hasha (Aisha and Hamads ship name😭😫 what do you think? Have any suggestions? comment please. Xx)

Aishas pov

Hamads sleeping body laid beside me, his black hair almost touching his closed eyes soft strands gently brush against his forehead, midnight tips touching a glowing white surface that beamed against the contrast of a satin pillow behind his head, sophisticated and strong, holding Hamad in its amiable caress.

He decide to take today off, after subhi Hamad has fallen into his slumber. I can't help but push his hair back and caress his soft cheeks.

I can't believe how lucky i am to have a husband like him in my life, he is everything you could ever ask for. He knows how to comfort me, his words always make me feel better and his mere presence is a blessing in my life.

I love him more when he said he didn't wanna know the whole story about me and Sulaiman and that he trusted me. Those words are enough for me to live happy for the rest of our lives, I felt guilty of crying last night, I have Hamad in my life why should I cry over my ex? Thank you Allah for making me realize how blessed i am to have Hamad in my life.

"Whats got your pretty head thinking so hard?" Questioned a husky voice.

Lifting my eyes I met with Hamads hooded dark ones. He stretched, muscles pulsing on his arms as the duvet slid down his torso, revealing a toned stomach packed with hard ridges of pure strength. "Erm.. nothing?" It sounded more like a question, he chuckle and kiss my hands that were on his cheeks and that's when I realize my hands were still there i hid my self with the long veil I was wearing because I wore only shorts with crop top underneath. Hamad piled my hands away and the veil fell down, when he saw the clothes I was wearing he raised one of his eyebrow and smirk.

"What? It's hot, and you're also not wearing any shirt." I defend my self and he laughed at my uncomfortable self.

"That's not a problem babe, I don't mind." His voice still sounds sleepy, and he wink.

This guy! Smh

I stood up to put a shirt on but he pull me back, "Where you going?" He asks. "To put a shirt on duh."

"No don't." He whispers in my ear, kissing my nose, i chuckle at the tickling feeling and whisper, "Ha-Hamad??" He shushed me up by kissing me, I kissed him back while circling my arms around his neck and his hands automatically wrap around me.

"Shh." He says, tickling my exposed back and stomach, I giggle and soon I'm laughing hard, I'm so ticklish.

He cup my face with a smile on his face and briefly peck my cheeks, he starts caressing my long hair, i should go to the salon soon.

"You're beautiful Aisha, so beautiful and you're mine." He says huskily pecking my lower lip.

"Aww love, thank you, so are you."

"Yes baby." Came his quickly and sleepily reply, and with that we both went back to sleep, actually Hamad went back to sleep, since i wasn't asleep earlier. It feels good to sleep in the afternoon with your husband and consummating your marriage once again.

He is always loving, caring, amazing and— gentle.


Alhamdulillah, that's the only word I can utter after I hung up my brothers call.

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