Chapter Fourty Three

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The prophet peace be upon him said; "I saw a young man and a young woman, and i did not trust the shaytan not to tempt them." Narrated by At- Tirmidhi

"Among his signs is that he created for you mates from among yourselves, in order to have tranquility with them, and he put love and mercy between you(hearts). Verily in that are signs for those who reflect." Quran 30:21

Hamads pov

The light penetrating from my curtain, making me squint my eyes, my phone is still ringing, i don't even know what woke me up, the ringing tone or the bright light?

I check the caller id, it's Faisal, i roll my eyes, i thought after his marriage, he'll stop disturbing me, i didn't pick the call and check the time, i figured that i have three missed calls, 1 from my wife almost an hour ago and two from Faisal, the time read 5:16pm.

I'll call her in shaa Allah, when I'm done.

Today was the conveyance of the bride, I'm sure it's over now, i was so tired that after zhur i came back to our house and have some rest, because i wasn't able to sleep the night before— after Faisals Nikkah. I stood up from the bed and walk to the bathroom, i finish everything and then i did wudhu, no, i prayed asr, the wudhu is for maghrib and out of habit i guess.

I dressed up casually, and walk downstairs to find something eatable after stuffing my phone in my pockets, Halsey isn't here, i pour myself a mango juice my wifes fave, i miss her. I then start making my sandwich, well, not really a sandwich just bread with jam.

Halfway through my meal my phone start ringing again, it's Faisal, I groan; "What is it?" I said immediately when i answer the call, "What the hell is wrong with you? Why didn't you answer my calls?" He whisper yell.

"Oh the last time i checked you're not my wife, so don't ask me that question." I take a bite of my bread.

He sigh: "Your wife is in the hospital." He says, i choke and start coughing, i composed my self and took a sip of my drink; "What?" I whisper.

"You heard, she fainted i think, she's in the hospital now you should come." He calmly says, what? Why do i feel like some sort of dèjà vû?

Why does this happen to me all the time? Ya Aziz! I hope she's fine.

"What happened to her and which hospital?" I said while standing up and picking up my car keys, "I don't know, just come I'll send you the address." And he hung up, some seconds later he sent me the address, I'm already driving towards the address.

What would have happened to her? But she called me, why on earth didn't i pick her call? I feel like I'm slowing failing again as a husband, what's wrong with me? I promised to be always by her side, and this is the second time something like this has happened and i wasn't even with her, i wasn't even the one to take her to the hospit—

A horn interrupted my thoughts, i didn't even know that the traffic light turned green, when i still didn't move the car, he overtook me and raised the middle finger at me, I shook my head at him, i have important things to do.

Few minutes later I'm inside the hospital, the receptionist told me where they are and i went there, Faisal, Mama and Batul are siting.

"Assalamu Alaikum." I say, "Wa'alaikas Salaam." They replied, "How are you Hamad? Have you eaten?" Mama asks worriedly.

I smiled at her, "Alhamdulillah I'm fine and yes I've eaten." She smiles back, "Aisha will be fine." She tells me, i nod my head at her, "What actually happened?" I ask no one in particular.

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