Chapter Twenty Seven

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"No matter what people do or say, don't let it get to you, they spread rumors and lies about you, because they want to be like you."  Tee

Aishas pov

"Ya Allah i am so exhausted." Says Hamad while slumping on the couch in our hotel room.

"I know right, lets eat and sleep for 2 hours." I tell my husband whose eyes are closed, I walk towards him to feel his temperature, and peck his lips, he smiled against my lips and when we pulled away he peck my nose.

"Go order something for us bubbles, I'll freshen up." He says without making any attempt to stand up, he really is tired, we both are.

I kiss his forehead and exit our room to go to the restaurant downstairs to order brunch for us.

Today is our last day in Saudi, we weren't able to go to Madinah the past days, as we were busy doing Ibadah.

So we decided to wake up early today and go, from Makkah to Madinah it's almost 2hours drive we didn't sleep after Fajr and we took off to Madinah we reached there and visit the prophets grave, prayed for him and ask for forgiveness from our Lord too, we prayed two raka'ats in the prophets mosque and after 2 hours we decided to go back to Makkah as our flight to London is today around 1o:00 pm we still need to be in Riyadh tho, that's where the airport is located and it's 12:57pm now.

Yup today's gonna be a long day.

I order our food and walk back to our room and saw a shirtless Hamad sleeping peacefully on the bed, I walk to wake him up, but I couldn't.

He looks so peaceful with a small smile on his lips i cover his body with the duvet and went to eat my food.

Saudi is really a beautiful country, Makkah is an amazing place to be, especially with the person you love for the sake of Allah, happiness is the only energy, extreme happiness is whenever you pray in Masjidul-haaram we drink zam-zam since when we arrived, to say the least Makkah is the most peaceful place in the whole wide world, i can't wait to be back again.

Thank you Allah for choosing us to come visit this holy country.

I finish eating and pack the rest of our necessities. I showered after that and did my wudhu, as it's Zuhur.

I prayed in our room and decide to wake Hamad now, it's 1:47 pm we need to be in Riyadh by 5, at least.

I shake him, but he didn't budge, I shook his shoulders again but he only snuggle in and cover his head with the duvet,


This man here is gonna be the death of me. I roll my eyes at him and remove the duvet from around his shoulders and hit his arm, "Really Hamad? Wake up already." He hummed in response with closed eyes.

I shake his shoulders again, "Hamad please wake up and eat." He open his eyes with a grin, "You were awake since, weren't you?" He chuckle, i am glad he has rest a bit.

"No, I wasn't." Was his simple response, he stood up and walk to the bathroom, i tidied the bed and sat on the couch chatting with my family, I miss them.

Hamad came out shortly and prayed, when he finish praying he came to where I am sitting and rub his hands around my face (just like how people do when they pray for you xx) I smiled at him and gestured to the food.

He ate in silence while I talk to my parents on the phone.

"Aisha where's my blue shirt with black spots?" Hamad asks, he is standing near the wardrobe, how the hell can he finish all the food within just 5 mins?

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