Chapter Thirty Two

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"Tests are inevitable, patience is optional." Unknown

Aishas pov



The most heartwarming part of all this new information is when Hamad prostrate(sujudul shukhur) when the doctor told him, the unshed tears start cascading down my cheeks, this is worth a memory, it's my first pregnancy after all, our baby. Ours.

I wasn't really surprised when the nurse did the blood test and pregnancy test, because Sumayyah said i might be pregnant and she told me all the symptoms and her suspicion was right and plus I've only realized i haven't been on my period for the past two months. Holy moly, I've been pregnant through out our trip. Ya Allah, Alhamdulillah, I am so happy, i can't believe i am pregnant, with Hamads baby, ya Allah protect my baby, i place my hands on my flat stomach and a smile formed on my lips.

Hamad came out of Dr Muhseens office and immediately engulf me in a bear hug, murmuring, "Alhamdulillah, thank you baby, i love you so much. May Allah continue to bless you, Alhamdulillah." I feel a wetness on my neck, Hamads tears, oh lord, i am crying too. Today is officially the best day of my life, 3rd November.

My little family.

Ya Allah protect us all.

"Okay.. lets go to the lab, we still need to do the ultrasound to make sure the baby is healthy." Dr Muhseen says with a laugh.

We followed him with Hamads hands on the small of my back.

As we enter the lab and i lie down on the bed, Hamad held on his breath when the doctor start applying colorless gel on my abdomen, of course he'll be scared, i am scared too, it's our first ultrasound after all.

Omg! This all feels foreign, I can't thank Allah enough.

"Hamad i am scared." I said, fear clearly etch on my face.

I really hate hospitals.

"It's ok bubbles, i am right here with you." He says and brought my shaking hands to his lips and kiss it, after which he tightly intertwine our hands.

I'm so glad he is here with me, summy actually suggested that i should come alone and tell him about the pregnancy when i confirm it.

"I am about to start now, are you guys ready!?" Dr Muhseen asks, rearranging some stuffs.

Hamad and i both nod, i can't help but close my eyes, and tighten my hold on Hamads hand. I felt his hand caress my closed eyes, i can't fight the smile that start forming on my lips.

I open my eyes immediately when the doctor start, Hamads eyes widened when the first image is cast on the screen, i could not even figure out anything on the screen but all i know or think about is that, that little being is my baby, mine. My blood, tears are flowing down my cheeks.

As both the doctor and nurse carefully explain everything including the images to us, tears well up in my eyes all over again and as soon as the doctor turn around, Hamad lean down and place a feathery kiss on my lips, I smiled against his lips and circle my arms around his neck, I can feel his tears, we are both crying, by Allah today is the happiest day of my life.

He wipes my tears and i start wiping his too, whispering, "I love you Hamad, I love you so much, I love you bubbles."

I felt him smirk, before he pecks my lips again and he stood up right. "I love you more gorgeous, wallah i do, and i love our baby too, so much." He mouthed with a smile. A sob more like a chuckle escape my mouth with tears cascading down my cheeks.

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